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" i would never want to
hurt him, look how he's
sitting! so cute! "

" i practically gave my heart
out, yet still, he left. "


》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

Mike was horribly groomed, with his fur placed wildly. His eyes resembled the dark purple of his texture. His nose and mouth were extremely long. Basically, he was the definition of scary.

The boys' auras had changed from calm yet anxious to now completely fearful. I, on the other hand, was somewhat in awe.

Mike sat down right next to us and I couldn't help but want him as my own. He was just like a dog.

"Can I pet him?" I bluntly asked, breaking off the silence, and causing Leorio to shriek.

"Are you kidding?!" Leorio yelled but quieted down quickly when the ginormous creature glanced over to him.

"So, Y/N, Gon, do you understand?" Mr. Zebro asked, ignoring my earlier question. "This is a hunting beast and a highly trained one at that! It's like no animal you've ever encountered in the wild. You believed you could communicate with him until you looked in his eyes, right? As we speak, Mike is memorizing everything about you four. Nothing else is in his mind. He's just like a machine. So, what do you two think? Do you think you could fight him?"

Gon and I shook our heads instantly, probably for two completely different reasons.

"I'd be too scared. I don't ever want to fight him!" Gon spoke with full honesty.

"No, sir. I would never want to hurt him, look how he's sitting! So cute!" I enthused honestly with a large smile.

Mr. Zebro chuckled before asking, "well, how long will you be staying here?"

"Until we see Killua!" I answered at once.

"We're not leaving a second before!" Gon spoke off my sentence, leading to my aggressive nodding.

The guard chuckled again then sighed, "alright then, follow me."

I smiled softly and we all followed the man in silence.

- Timeskip -

"Here we are. These are the servant's quarters. It's getting pretty late... so, you can stay here tonight," Mr. Zebro explained then went on to slide open the front door.

The servant quarters actually looked quite comfy. It was a college-like house that was somewhere in the huge forest.

The sound of a loud rumbling took over my thoughts. Mr. Zebro slid the front doors open, but with a bit of strength. He made it seem easy, but I could easily tell the doors were heavy.

I gulped, almost regretting following this guy.

"Uh..." Kurapika said with uncertainty.

"Please, come on in," The Elder instructed.

We all walked in, and I was taken by surprise. Inside it looked homely, with its wooden floor and small decorative objects around the room.

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