Chapter 72: Gohan gets Assaulted

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A/N: after giving Videl a senzu bean to heal her up, Gohan soon faces off against Kibito, however, things soon take a different turn.

As Gohan was carrying Videl's unconscious body inside, Goka had taken off to Korin's place to get some senzu beans. As Gohan walked inside the building, Krillin told him about his mom going off to get the senzu beans.

Krillin: Gohan, we know you've been training her for weeks or whatever. But your mom is going to get some senzu beans. So, chill out.

Gohan gave Krillin a dark and threatening glare, with his eyes even having turned glowing red for a split second.

Krillin: Jeez, no need to be an edge lord about it.

You glared at Krillin before slamming your fist right on the top on his head hard, even leaving a fist shaped red mark.

Krillin: OOOOW!!!!!

(Krillin Owned Count: 44).

Vegeta: hahahaha, it's always fun to watch the bald man get hit. Even if it's minor.


Cella, Crystal and Zangya were still watching the tournament from the tv. Cella having enjoyed what had happened with Videl not too long ago.

Cella: You know, I hold no animosity against the girl. But if it's a girl that'll get that retard porn-stache to freak out.

Zangya: gotta say, even thought I've barely known a single one of these humans, but I kinda gotta give some sympathy to the girl for literally getting her fucking face stomped in.

Crystal: mommy, is that girl dead?

Cell: Maybe. And its fun knowing that it's a likely possibility~!

Crystal: Oh.....

(Back at the tournament).

Inside his room, Hercule was just given the news about what had happened to his daughter not long ago.

Hercule: WHAT?! My little Videl lost and is gravely injured?!

Tournament Worker 1: Y..... Yes sir.

Hercule: Impossible! Videl's my daughter! She should be the strongest in the world, second to yours truly! Damn it! She must have gotten too caught up in her techniques and had her guard dropped the whole time in the fight. I mean, sure, you can't blame her for being the daughter of me, but still.

He soon shoved the worker out of the way.

Hercule: out of the way!

He said while running out the door and to the room where Videl was being treated to her injuries and Gohan having to stand by and watch as she was groaning and even yelling in pain a few times while they continued tending to her injuries. It was a few seconds before Hercule burst into the room.

Hercule: Videl, my baby girl! This is awful.

Gohan: don't worry, she's in a very injured state, but there's not threat to her life.

Hercule: the hell are you? You the one who did this to my pumpkin?

Tournament Medic: no, this was not the doing of the boy here. He was actually the one who carried her here.

Hercule: oh uh.... Yeah, I knew that. It was a quick test to make sure.

Tournament Medic:.........

Hercule: so, her opponent was Spopovich, huh? Nice job, I'll give you an autograph later.

Gohan: Um...... thanks.

Hercule: since I'm here now, you don't need to worry about this now. You can leave now.

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