Chapter 57: Goka pulls Another Goka

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A/N: as Goka's fight with Cella went on, things started seemingly like she was going to win until she pulled yet another Goka move.

On the Lookout, Dende was trying to watch the battle in his mind.

Dende: I can't see shit!

Mr. Popo: I told you before, you have to.....

Dende: clear my mind of all other thoughts. Yeah, primo advice. Might as well ask me to herd star-knoss...

Mr. Popo: I'm going to assume those are similar to cats.

Dende: oh, no, they eat cats...exclusively. Me-dammit, I want to watch this stupid fight!

Mr. Popo: tell me; what thoughts are clouding your mind?

Gohan's voice went off in Dende's head.

Gogna: hey, Dende. Could you put this lotion on my back and/or butt?

Dende: mmm... God stuff.

Mr. Popo: well, worry not. All we really need is a little green.

Dende: I specifically told you not to call me that.

Mr. Popo held up a joint.

Mr. Popo: I'm not~

Dende: yo...

Goka and Cella were continuing their epic clash at the Cella Games by moving at supersonic speeds. Goka nearly fell out of the ring but quickly maneuvers herself and kicked Cella in the back. Cella stropped the the edge of the ring and moved behind Goks and punched her, but Goka blocked it with a kick. Cella attempted another punch, But Goka moved away, causing her to punch the ring. Both combatants then kick each other in the face and Cella tried another punch, but Goka ducked and double-kicked Cella into the air.

Jimmy Firecracker: my God... What feats of incomparable skill and might! What power! What speed! What a battle...! ...Is what I'd be saying if they were in the ring... Where are they?

Larry: maybe they're moving at speeds too fast for the human eye? I could try using the high shutter camera...

Mr. Satan: Jerry, you're a terrific camera guy, but a lousy martial artist. Nobody's that fast! They're just using camouflage..... like the Predator! Or Harry Potter.

Goka and Cella collided in the air, sending a shockwave that stuns Mr. Satan, Jimmy Firecracker, and Larry.

Jimmy Firecracker: ...Harry Potter, sir?

Mr. Satan: my daughter's a big fan.

Goka kicked Cella in the face, which she countered by punching Goka in the face.

Perfect Cella: good, Goka, very good. This is exactly what I've been looking for!

She chuckled.

Perfect Cella: oh, you know... When I became perfect, I was a little scared... scared that I'd never be able to test these abilities. Like a master surgeon without a patient.

Goks: or a grill without a burger.

Perfect Cella: yes, you get it, Goka! And that's why we're here today. You are the only one who can complete me; compete with me! All the others? Ah, they mean nothing! This tournament, this ring; they're all for you. So we could have our perfect battle.

Goka: well, honestly, you didn't need to go this far. I'm just here for a fight.

Perfect Cella: god, that's what I adore about you. You're so simple! That's what nobody else understands... Now then... how about we slip into something more... comfortable.

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