Chapter 22: Final Battle for Namek Part 1

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A/N: You and Goka both take on the Empress of space to finally put an end to her tyranny.

Vegeta on the ground, with a sizzling hole in her chest from where she was pierced by Frieza's Death Beam.

Goka: Vegeta, no!

Gohan: Vegeta, no!

Krillin: Don't worry, Little Green'll...

He then remembered Dende's corpse.

Krillin: oh. Vegeta, no!

Piccolo: meh.

He said while rolling his eyes.

Logan: not much of a reaction there.

Piccolo: she killed a shit ton ton of people and pretty much bragged a lot. Frieza did us a favor here.

Goka: are you all right?

Vegeta: I have a f**king hole in my chest. Why didn't you block that one?!

She said weakly.

Goka: I thought you had it.

Vegeta: NO!

She also said weakly.

Frieza: It's funny how she's still talking, I could have sworn I hit a lung.

Vegeta coughed blood.

Frieza: oh, there it is.

Vegeta: Kakarot, if you're ever going to listen to anything I have to say, do it now.

Goka: what is it, Vegeta?

Vegeta: I've lived my entire life under Frieza's rule. My entire kingdom, my race, was enslaved to her bidding.

Goka: I understand now. If it weren't for Freezer, you wouldn't be......

Vegeta: dying? No.

Goka: I was gonna say evil.

Vegeta: oh, no. I'd definitely still be evil. If this situation were reversed, this conversation would never have happened. You'd be dead, and I'd be laughing.

She laughed weakly, but found it was difficult to.

Vegeta: oh, it hurts to laugh.

She slowly looked to you for a moment.

Vegeta: I will admit I have one regret............. but I won't really admit it.

Goka: so, why are you telling me this?

Vegeta: because, Kakarot, you are our race's last hope. You are the last remaining Saiyan.

She opened both eyes in shock at the realization.

Vegeta: oh, God, you're the last remaining Saiyan.

She made a final wheeze and went limp. There was a moment of silence. You for the most part were more angered from it.

Goka: Vegeta... you...

You yelled before turning into your Rayquaza form and let out a loud roar before charging directly at Frieza, slamming into her as the two of you were sent flying to some far rocks.

Logan: woah!

Goka blasted a hole in the ground with a Kiai and then picked up Vegeta's corpse.

Goka: come on. You deserve a proper burial.

She said as she then buried Vegeta inside the hole.

Goka: I'll make sure to give Freezer one for you, best buddy.

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