Chapter 42: Piccolo vs 17

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A/N: as Piccolo continues to battle with Android 17, Cella approaches the Island that they were battling on.

In the sky, flying over a plain field, You were continuing to fly to the direction of the look out. During the time, You had explained all that had been going on with you over time all the way to now to Groudon and Kyogre.

Groudon: wow, you seriously went through all that kind of shit?

(Y/N): yep. No bullshit.

Kyogre: I have to say though.... that whole stuff about Mewtwo. Sounds unbelievable.

(Y/N): I know...... I still couldn't believe that what happened to Mewtwo happened.

Far off in the distance, Towa, Mira and Shadow Mewtwo were watching as You and the other two of the Weather Trio were approaching the look out.

Mira: seems he's gotten himself reinforcements. Hmph.

Towa: indeed. All 3 members of the Waether Trio together to try and resolve their current problem.

Shadow Mewtwo: shall I dispatch of them?

Towa: not yet. Let's allow them to have their little training. In the end, it won't matter much. As a scientist, one must always be prepared for what's to come. But, we must go now, we have someone else to take care of.

The 3 of them soon disappeared. As they did, in the distance where You were, you swore you could have felt Mewtwo's presences as you looked to the direction where he's been. However, he was already gone of course.

(Y/N)'s mind: whatever it takes, I'll free you from Towa's control.

You continued flying towards the look out as You were getting close.


Piccolo and the Androids were flying at a desolated island. As They were, 17 felt like someone else was behind them. She looked behind her while still flying and only saw nothing.

Android 18: hey, what are you doing?

Android 17: I swear I thought I saw that kid from before again.

Android 18: great, just what I need to know, my sister is going crazy.

Android 17: you know sis, You're gonna eventually see it as well and we'll see who's crazy.

Android 18: yeah, keep telling yourself that.

18 soon found the kid that 17 was talking about that she's been seeing quickly showed up in front of her before letting out a giggle and disappeared. 18 was wide eyed a bit from what just happened.

Android 17: oh, what's wrong, sis? See something odd?

Android 18: shut up.

Piccolo: what the hell are you two talking about back there?

Android 18: none of your business.

Piccolo: really? Cause it looks like you're talking about something that's not even there.

Nail: (coming from to who has voices in his head).

Kami: (he's kinda got a point here).

Piccolo: shut up!

Android 18: what the hell are you doing up there?

Piccolo: none of your business!

They all continued to fly for a while until they finally arrived at the island.

Android 17: all right, sis, since you had all the fun last time, why don't you sit this one out?

Android 18: already on it. I'll just hang out with 16 over here.

Male Rayquaza Reader x Dragon Ball Z Abridged [Republished]Where stories live. Discover now