Chapter 7: Arriving on Namek

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A/N: You and the others finally arrive on planet namek after a long journey. However, you soon run into trouble just as you do.

Narrator: so, after seven hundred and thirty-one grueling galactic weeks of travel. Or one month if you never watched "Men in Black". Our *ahem* "heroes" have finally arrived on Planet Namek. Where the sky is green, the grass is blue, and it's boring as s**t.

(Y/N)'s mind: note to self, find a narrator who doesn't sound like an ass.

Kami's spaceship arrived on Planet Namek.

You, Bulma, Gohan and Krillin were all just glade to finally see that you all made it as the spaceship began to land on the planet of namek. Those last few stops were a pain.

Krillin: Hey, Gohan, check it out. Blue grass. What do you think their favorite kind of music is? Huh? Huh?

Gohan: R&B...?

Krillin: Huh. You're really sheltered, aren't you?

Gohan: I had to read an entire book about peach farming on the way here. You tell me.

(Y/N): well, you certainly lived a boring life.

Gohan: well, according to some of the stuff I managed to read up on you before we left, all you did was hang out at some pillar.

(Y/N): shows what you humans know. I've actually been on the ground and away from the sky pillar many times as I wanted.

You soon looked around the area you were all in for a little. As you were, you felt as if something was watching you and the others. Surprisingly enough, that was a case as there was someone peaking through one of the far away rocks as he was observing the group. You still weren't able to notice them yet.

???: bout time they all showed up.

You soon managed to see him, but you couldn't make out his appearance because of how far he was.

???: shit, looks like I just got discovered.

Before you could say anything to the others, krillin interrupted.

Krillin: well... hey! We're on Namek now! Bulma, got the Dragon Radar?

Bulma: right here! We're already picking up four Dragon Balls!

Krillin: see? Now we just have to find them, wish our friends back, and head on home!

Bulma: hey Krillin, is that a Saiyan ship?

Krillin soon looked up and saw it. You did as well.

???: "sighs" that was close.

Krillin: Huh?

Gohan: I think I sense Vegeta.

Krillin: Huh?

He asked, sounding more frightened.

(Y/N): great, now bitch tits is gonna be on the

Krillin: huh?!

Bulma: Oh, and now those four Dragon Balls are on the move.

Krillin: AAAAAAAAAAAAA......


Vegeta emerged from the crater while holding a scouter after her pod landed. She could hear screaming in the background, not knowing it was krillin's.


Vegeta: ahhh... good to be back at a hundred percent again.

As she put on his scouter, she was getting a little annoyied with the screams.

Vegeta: augh, I just got here and this planet's already annoying me.

Male Rayquaza Reader x Dragon Ball Z Abridged [Republished]Where stories live. Discover now