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*Hyunjins POV*

Heart pounding, stomach going crazy. In this moment, Hyunjin had no thoughts. He pulled Jeongin closer by the waist and the younger boy let out a tiny squeal. Immediately Hyunjin pushed his tongue into his mouth.

He loved the way their lips fit so perfectly, the way his hand easily held the boys waist. He was intoxicated by him.

The younger boy pulled away abruptly. "What...Hyunjin I-"

"I know. What was that."

They both stood facing eachother, but none of them making eye contact. They were both breathing heavily trying to catch their breaths as well as trying to figure out what just happened.

Why did Hyunjin enjoy that so much.

"Jeongin I'm sorry" Hyunjin slowly raised his head, "I don't know what that was, and I don't know why I.. why I liked it. I think I'm going to need some time."

Jeongin met hyunjins eyes, he nodded "of course," he responded in a soft voice. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kissed you like that, I just got a bit out of control."

"That's fine, follow your heart always I guess." Hyunjin laughed, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't really work.

They both quietly walked back into the restaurant and took their seats, still slightly shaken up by the previous event.

After a while of just listening to the others talk, Hyunjin got bored and pulled out his phone and typed a text.

*jeongins POV*

Jeongin heard a buzz of his phone which lay on the table face down. He picked it up and put it back down again hastily, hoping no one saw. He brung his legs up onto the chair and hid his face in them. He was beyond embarrassed.

Seungmin spoke up from beside him "what was it?"

Jeongin didn't have the mental strength to answer, he lifted his head and made a waving motion with his hands "nothing."

"Come on why did you react like that."

"No reason. It's because of the food haha. Spicy."

Seungmin raised a brow and quickly grabbed the phone off the table before Jeongin could take it out of his hands. "No-Seungmin!"

Jeongin stole the phone out of Seungmin's hand, but he was pretty sure he had already seen the text judging by the sudden expression change.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom be right back" he forced out before running off.

Jeongin was about to go after him but Hyunjin stepped in and told him it would only make it worse.
He couldn't imagine what Seungmin had to be thinking right now.

Jeongin looked at the text once again. If only Hyunjin wasn't such a damn flirt.

*hyunjins POV*

Hyunjin watched as Seungmin ran off the the bathrooms he assumed. Goddamn he should've held himself back. He read over his text 'you thought you could take the lead today sly fox 😏 wait till next time'. Dang it.

He cursed himself. What happened to 'time' Hyunjin!? Why did you have to do such an irrational thing at such a bad time.

He frowned.

Chan spoke up, "okay anyone else need to use the bathroom before we leave?"

Hyunjin had actually been holding it in for a while now...but chan seemed frustrated so he would have to wait until they got back to the house.

He internally screamed upon saying this to himself. He was having a mental battle with himself: to go or not to go.

He slowly raised his hand after much thought, "um, I'll go." He said quietly.

Chan only sighed, thank goodness.

Hyunjin got up and ran and that's when he realised he didn't know where he was going. This damn huge restaurant.

He asked a waiter walking around who answered him with directions. "Careful, two boys made a big mess in there before. There's toilet paper everywhere." He stated sounding disgusted.

"Okay thank you." He replied before again running off.

He slammed the door open urgently and did his business. As he was washing his hands, he heard a sob come from one of the other stalls. Then he remembered, Seungmin.

He twisted the tap off, grabbed tissue paper to wipe his hands, disposed of it and then knocked on the door of the one he suspected the other was in.

"Seungmin." He waited for a reply, there was none. "I know you're in there." It sounded like he was stifling his sobs. "Seungmin please come out. I'm not asking for words, I just want to help you."

Slowly, the sound of the lock opening was heard, and the door swung slowly to reveal Seungmin. Except different from usual. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were a strong pink and he looked worn out.

Hyunjin hated this. The fact that he was the one who caused this. He stepped forward and engulfed Seungmin in a hug who only cried harder in response.

He'd never cried this much before, it even made Hyunjin tear up. "You're going to be okay." He spoke, rubbing circles on his back as Seungmin let out all of his pain.

The harder he cried, the tighter he held Hyunjin who was on the verge of tears.

Slowly, he pulled away. "H-hyunjin" he hiccuped.

"yeah minnie."

"You'll make him happy right?"

Hyunjin was taken aback by his words. "I- I don't know Minnie. We're not even together."

"But you like him right? And he likes you?"

Hyunjin had to think, did he like him? Since when? "Minnie I don't even know if I like him. Everything just happened all of a sudden I can't really explain it. I don't even understand it myself."

"Tha-that's called love at first sight Hyunjin." He hiccuped once again.

"But there was no first sight. It was just there."

"Are you sure about that? Or did something else happen."

"Well- w-we kissed."

"There you go. 'Love at first kiss'. Or you might've liked him for longer than you've known but the kiss made you realise it. Love is a funny thing."

Seungmin was heartbroken and here he was giving advice to Hyunjin. "Minnie lets get back to the house okay?"

"I approve. Please if he makes you happy and you make him happy, please be together. Or I'll feel guilty. It's about time I move on."

Hyunjin was so grateful towards this man, now he knew why he liked him for so long. In that moment, as they walked out of the stall, Hyunjin couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." He said quiet enough for Seungmin to not hear.

Thank you for the memories. Thank you for making me happy.
Thank you for the laughs.
Thank you for being such a great person, and thank you, for being so supportive to everything I do. Love you Minnie.



By Chance  《Chanlix》Where stories live. Discover now