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*Felix's POV*

"Oi! Get out of the damn car! We're home." Felix woke to these lovely words being said to him. He stretched and a yawn had left his mouth.

'Home', Felix looked at the large building with one door, several windows, a chandelier peeking from the curtain. This was not his 'home', or rather, 'house'.

But something about it was strangely familiar, though he couldn't put his finger on it.

The guard got out of the car, careful not to slam the door too hard, and soon got around to opening the door for Felix who was hesitant to get out. His father and he walked up the long pathway with a total of three guards behind them, and once they approached the wide, brown double doors, his father left three loud knocks.

Felix admired the garden, littered in pretty flowers surrounded by bright green bushes framing the long pathways. It was so beautiful, almost like the place in his dreams. Except, this place was missing the strange comfort the dream field gave him.

The large doors slowly opened to reveal a girl wearing black and white clothing, a maid, he assumed. "Hello, you are?" Her words weren't spoke In a rude tone, but more of a 'If you don't have an appointment, please don't waste my time'. Felix looked toward his father who let out a laugh. Why was he laughing?

"I'm lee jung-do, this is my son, Felix." He said, gesturing to Felix with an outstretched arm.

Her eyes widened and she was immediately apologising, "oh I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Felix, please come with me. Mr lee, would you like to pay a visit to the president before you go?"

Go where? The president? Why was she apologising as if she'd be executed? Was his dad respected that much?

"No no it's fine. I'm his right hand man, I'm sure I'll see him sometime tomorrow, he's probably busy as of now, I wouldn't want to disturb him." He stated with a small smile. Those fake polite eyes really pissed Felix off.

"Oh alright, have a good day then, sir." She answered with a smile just as fake.

"Felix please come with me."

Wait what? Why was his father leaving? Felix wasn't going anywhere.

"Where to?" He eyed her suspiciously, not moving his feet. "I'm not supposed to follow strangers."

Out of the corner of his vision, he observed the way his father held in his breath and clenched his fists. "Felix, do as the kind lady says."

He was itching to give Felix a beating, he could tell. He smirked, it was fun to irritate his father in a place where there were people, seeing him having to hold in his rage instead of letting it out on Felix's body on the spot. Usually, he would just strike wherever and hope it hurt.

Felix crossed his arms and pouted, leaning on one leg to face his father, "but you told me to never trust anyone but myself," he gave his most innocent look "and now you expect me to follow this strange lady?"

"Felix. Stop acting up. My men are getting your bags from the car so go settle in."

What? Why were they getting his bags? Settle in?

A sudden thought dawned on him, his father was selling him.

His throat became itchy, "you wouldn't..."

"Felix stop being a baby, go inside and familiarise yourself with the house. You'll live here until I want to pick you up."

That wasn't any better. He was being abandoned, his father didn't care for him one bit. There was not one ounce of love he felt when he looked at Felix's face. He knew this already, but to gain this confirmation was truly a blow to the face.

He wouldn't be picked up, ever. His father leaving him here meant their ties would be cut. His father never wanted to see him again.

That hurt.

His only parent he had, the only family he had, gone. No warning was given at all, as if his father wanted to see his heart being ripped out of his chest, stepped on and then run over by a bus.

He felt so weak. This wasn't how he wanted to be remembered.

With much trouble, he blinked back his tears, gathered up all the anger he had bottled up, and mustered up a shit ton of courage, "you asshole."

He snatched his bags from one of the guards standing behind him and pushed past the maid, bolting through the large, cold house, almost slipping on the white, polished tiles multiple times but not caring one bit. The only thing he could think of right now was getting out of his fathers sight.

He ran past multiple women dressed in black and white who whispered things as he flew by, but he was in too much shock to even care if they was talking about him or what to prepare for dinner.

Out of breath, he slowly came to a walk and only then did he feel the dried tears on his cheeks. He harshly wiped at his cheeks, angry with himself for being so weak. But more only came as he continued to walk through the hollow house, to which they soon turned into quiet sobs.

Soon, two big, brown doors, similar to the ones to enter the house, appeared in front of him. That would do for now. Right now, he just needed a place to think and sort out his feelings.

His hand grabbed onto the golden handle and he flinched at the sudden coldness it gave off. Seemed like no one went in here.

He pushed the heavy door with all of his strength, tiring out, and stood inside of the big room filled with books, watching the door as it slowly closed by itself, it's heaviness being the cause. This room had rows of books filled around the length of the walls. This room was oddly familiar, Felix felt the same feeling he felt when he first saw the house.

He walked to the corner of the carpeted room and slowly sat down in a crouch, his arms wrapped around his legs. He pulled his black hoodie over his head and placed his chin on his knees. Was he really going to live here?

He was sure he heard the president be mentioned. President Bang? His father was his right hand man, but president Bang would never allow even Felix to stay at his house, let alone live with him. What was the reason?

Felix had met him multiple times, President Bang was just as bad as his father, maybe even worse. They were both unloyal people that had no emotions, meaning they cared for no one.

Felix thought for a while.

His son had just passed away, that topic still surfaced emotions of sadness for Felix, but he had to investigate around the event to find out exactly what was going on here. Something was fishy.

"You seem to be deep in thought."

Felix jumped up at the sudden voice that erupted through the air. He was now standing with his hands over his heart, trying to calm it down. He looked up and his eyes met a beautiful man. He had dark brown hair and plump looking lips, his features were extremely soft and he gave off a kind vibe.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" He reached out his hand "I'm park Jinyoung."

//back at the campsite

Jisung was quite surprised when the adviser had told everyone that Felix had gone home. Usually, Felix tells him everything, and if he was planning to go earlier than usual, Jisung would've definitely known.

Everyone else didn't at all question it, but Jisung was curious. He had tried calling and texting Felix's phone multiple times, but he had gotten no answer and that's when he started to suspect things.

Felix was one who couldn't go ten minutes without answering someone back or else he'd feel guilty.

The funeral wasn't for a few days wasn't it? His dad couldn't have possibly drove the four hour drive just to pick him up earlier than usual. Could he have?


Y'all are all too smart to be confused so I won't even ask 😔

i hope you guys are enjoying this!! 😘

IG | @/kaytaehyung

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