35 - Extra [Seungmin]

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Seungmins POV

Seungmin, Seungmin, Seungmin. Poor Seungmin, or not?

Should he be feeling as helpless as he does? Or should he simply be grateful for his love moving on from him. Tsk. How pathetic.

Seungmin pulled on the strings of his hoodie, tightening the hood around his head. It was quite cold lately, however, it was winter, what could he expect. He blew warm air into his hands and rubbed them together, kicking a pebble as he walked by the supermarket.

He often walked. Walked to the park, walked around the park, walked anywhere he could. It was a great way to think with a clear conscious. Even though he could see his breath in front of him and practically feel his lips burning off, he enjoyed it, or was at least content with it.

He was bored, usually he'd smile at the thought of his love, however he'd realised that he needed to get over this happiness only granted by this one special person, they had someone else and he needed to be happy for them.

Happy. To be happy. What was happiness? Seungmin had always felt a little bit empty inside, he found that he wasn't so attached to his emotions, and he wished he was so desperately at times.

Often he watched highly emotional dramas just so he could feel something. Then, Hyunjin came along and he began experiencing feelings like he never thought he would. It was truly euphoric. Now he was back to square one. But it was worse, because he knew what it felt like to like someone now and it was like he'd had these emotions suddenly stripped away from him.

Seungmin sighed as he came to his senses, and found that he'd wandered to a small but scenic bridge he'd never seen before. His feet brought him into  the middle of it and slowly he began admiring the flowers afloat in the pond circling. It was pretty, and had a nice vibe.

He rested his chin on the railing of the bridge, what was he to do? He knew, but it was less simple than that. It was difficult to move on from the one you loved, not knowing if they were thinking about you or not. He felt too awkward to approach him recently too, he wanted to keep his distance for the time being. Figured that would be best.

He looked up at the sky taking note of the dim sky, time to go home. He laughed to himself, another day of wandering aimlessly, no path to take, no direction in mind. How pathetic.

The next day he came back to the bridge, hoping to achieve the same level of peace he did previously, however, his wishes were interrupted.

As Kim Seungmin stood on the bridge, seeking to admire the floating flowers, an ignorant person with a hood covering his eyes was stood next to him, throwing pebbles into the calm water, disturbing his flower admiring session. What a strange guy.

"Excuse me." No reply. Seungmin decided on attempting to ignore the person, yet the plan failed. And the rock throwing only became more noticeable as he tried to tune it out.

He waited about five minutes to see if the guy would just leave already, but his collection of pebbles was simply never-ending. Seungmin tried once again to drown it out, giving the guy another chance.

It failed. Again. Seungmin gave up.

"exfuckingcuse me you fucking piece of trash, you are a threat to society and i will not hesitate to throw your ass off of this bridge-" he took a breath and calmed his tone, "so please, stop with the throwing. Thank you."

"damn, you a feisty one"

Seungmin's blood boiled, how dare this stranger assume anything about him?

He took a breath and gathered his thoughts before speaking, "can you please just not? look, i'm having sad boy Seungmin time and i don't need you ruining it."

The stranger turned to face Seungmin, he looked him up and down once before connecting eyes with him through his hood, "babe i honestly don't give two shits about how your days going"

Seungmin felt a cold hand wrap around his wrist, his heartbeat in his ears as he boldly looked the stranger in the eye. He couldn't see much, but he wasn't bad looking. Nice facial structure, plump lips. His type. The only problem with this man was that he was an asshole.

The man took a step closer and leaned down to Seungmin's left ear, "but if you need me to, i could make it better any day, sweets" he whispered while slipping a piece of paper in the back pocket of Seungmin's jeans before casually walking off. Hands in pockets of his hoodie.

Seungmin was stunned and he simply did not know why. Mr asshat had just made him beyond furious, but why was he not mad? He was, but he wasn't? He was more..excited? No. Definitely not, not over Mr asshat. That asshole deserves nothing but eternal pain.

Seungmin told himself he'd throw the paper out, but he couldn't bring himself to take it out of his pocket.

After contemplating whether he should or not, weighing the pros and cons, he decided that he would just throw it out.

But as he removed it from his pocket, he felt that it wasn't regular paper, it was a...card? a business card? how had he not noticed the feeling of it before...

He read the name, he'd heard of it before, it was a famous psychologist... No way.

He flipped it over and some writing caught his eye, "i've watched you for a couple of months now kid, looks like you've got it rough."

Mr asshole?


hello uhh i'm writing this after a year because it felt unfinished to me and poor seungmin needed more scene time :(

i was thinking of writing more just to tie up some ends, these will just be bonus chapters so they're not necessary to read but they'll be here if you ever want to !!

also i wanted to thank you guys for enjoying this story, i truly hope it has impacted you positively <3

- writer

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