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*Felix's POV*

Felix was still so shaken up by what had happened earlier that night. He sat on his bed, legs crossed, every thought being blocked by the memory of the blinding headlights of the large, racing, storage truck.

After Changbin had saved him from getting squished, he had called Jinyoung, aware of how Felix would flinch every time he came near him, and asked him to come and get him. Felix hadn't even bothered to ask how Changbin knew Jinyoung or how he knew that he lived with him, but then again, that sort of thing didn't really go through his head at that stage.

He was now a little bit curious, seeing as how he had calmed down enough to get his thoughts straight. But he didn't want to seem rude.

But then again, It wasn't really that rude was it? Maybe it was.

"Um, Jinyoung-hyung," Jinyoung, who was sitting in the new chair the bodyguards had gotten for Felix's room, reading a novel, looked up at Felix.

"How do you know Changbin-hyung? He called you earlier to come pick me up, how does he know I live with you?" Felix said semi-quietly, fiddling with his hands.

"Felix. I'm quite surprised, I thought you knew more about this family seeing as you're living with us." He gave a little laugh. "Changbin is my younger brother, I'm the oldest out of three. Well, two now." He smiled sadly.

Right, the boy Felix knew as a child. But if Changbin was the presidents son, how come Felix had no memories of him? How come he didn't recognise him or his name? The last thing he would've expected was Seo Changbin to be one of the children of president Bang. Especially when he thought he only had one child.

A sudden thought occurred to him, "Hyung, does Changbin sleep here?"

He sighed, "he did, until his camp started. But it finished a couple of days ago, and now he's been staying who-knows-where."

Camp finished? That wasn't right. Felix was pretty sure Chan and Changbin's started on the same day as his, and that would've meant it would've finished on the same date as well.


Fluffy blond boy.

Fluffy blond boy who would beat up anyone who messed with Felix.

Felix missed him. The truth was, he missed him everyday, of every hour. He tried to forget about him. He had come to conclude that he had run away from him. He probably hated Felix. He couldn't understand why, but he had to have done something wrong. Felix was such a fuck up, he hated himself for it. He only wished that Chan was okay, wherever he was, and whatever he was doing, he had to be okay.

*Changbin's POV*

< Day Felix and friends go to the pool >

Changbin let out a cough, although it was the next day already, his throat still hurt from being strangled by Chan. He sat in the couch of his own hotel room, seeing as he was still supposed to be on camp, watching the news, it wasn't the most interesting program, but barely any of the channels worked.

"Hefers building had caught fire early this morning, police suspect around 5 am, set by two teens who ran away after the building caught flame."

Hefers...why did that sound familiar?

"There seemed to be no survivors found, all bodies were found, most of the bodies were burnt to the point where they were unidentifiable. There were a family of 5, a family of 3, a family of 6, two ladies, a couple, and a boy staying here."

Right...it was Chan's hotel.

Changbin froze. No survivors..? That meant Chan...oh god. Changbin's hand went over his mouth. He grabbed his phone and instantly dialed the first number he could think of. "Father, Chan...have you seen the news?" He heard a hum from the other side of the phone. "Chan was staying there..."

He heard silence. His father was probably just as shocked as he was. "Well, we'll have to hold a funeral then won't we." He hung up.

Changbin stayed frozen in shock. How could this happen? It was all his fault. Chan went out that night and probably came back wasted. How could he possibly have taken his drunk ass out of there.

"Oh god." Changbin's voice cracked. His pulled his legs toward his body and felt his eyes burn. It was all his fault.

*Felix's POV*

Felix woke up today with an uneasy feeling. Today was the day of the funeral, although he couldn't remember much about this boy, thinking about all of the childhood memories they had together made him sad.

He had gotten out of bed by 7:30, told by a maid that he had to come to breakfast. He had taken a shower and picked out some clothes that weren't too nice, as he would have to change into a suit later anyway, given to him by president Bang of course.

That was the only interaction they had really had this whole time. It was quick, mr Bang seemed awkward around Felix. He didn't know why.

Felix made his way to the dining room, he was starting to finally familiarise himself with the big house. He had made it there by 8 and found Jinyoung and president Bang waiting for him. Mr Bang sat at the head of the table with Jinyoung in the middle seat on the right. They both stared at him with plain expressions.

"O-oh I'm sorry- i"

President Bang laughed a little, woah, that was something Felix had never heard before. The look on Jinyoung's face showed that he hadn't either "Sit down boy, so we can finally start eating."

Felix felt bad for making them wait. Then, he panicked and couldn't find a seat. He finally chose to sit directly across from Jinyoung who simply laughed at him. Felix was such a disaster. He quietly sat and ate his eggs in silence, as everyone else.

Suddenly, president Bang spoke. "Felix, tonight, you're in charge of greeting all of the guests. " greeting all of the guests? What was this, a party? "I know you may be sad, you and him were close as far as I can remember. But today, we all have to wear smiles okay?" Felix nodded.

How was he going to do this?

— time skip —

Felix combed his hair and looked at himself one last time in the full length mirror. His black suit with an open in the white under shirt seemed to fit him very well — he was curious as to how Mr Bang knew his exact size — and his hair was soft, just washed. He knew tonight wasn't about looks at all, but president Bang had told him to look nice and he honestly didn't want to disobey him.

He heard a light knock on his door, "yes?" He called out.

It was one of the maids "Mr Lee, the guests are arriving, please come out." He had told them so many times to call him Felix and at this point, he had just given up.

Felix followed the maid into the hallway and stood by the doorway, smiling at all of the guests who entered and greeting them with 'welcome'. Some looked confused, probably as to who he was, others smiled back. After ten minutes of guests arriving, he finally saw a familiar face. It was one he would rather not see, but it was his brothers funeral after all and he was glad he came.

Changbin avoided Felix's eyes, Felix not bothering to give him a 'welcome' at all. It looked like he was crying and Felix almost felt bad. Almost.

Changbin seemed to be the last of the guests as someone had came and told him that his job was finished and he could proceed to the funeral.

He composed himself and walked the long way to the room where many, many, people were standing, crowded almost. He looked around for a certain someone, but he couldn't find him. Pfft, right hand man my ass.

Suddenly, he heard the loud voice of president Bang boom through the microphone. "Hello everyone and thank you for coming. I would now like to encourage you to take your seats as we will soon begin with the funeral of my son, Seo Changbin."


I- whaaaaaat???????

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