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"Katy!" Rebecca screamed, Taehyung jumping slightly from beside his girlfriend.

"What?" Kathryn screamed back, out in the kitchen with Jungkook.

"Come here!" Rebecca flipped through the piano book she's holding. Taehyung followed Rebecca to the piano, at least 15 piano books in his arms, the ones Rebecca said she loves.

"What the fuck do you want?" Kathryn slammed the door behind her, Jungkook barely having enough time to slip into the music room before she did so. "I'm trying to make cookies."

"I found our old duet." Rebecca beamed, holding up the Beatles' Yesterday. "It was your favorite." Kathryn rolled her eyes, Jungkook widening his.


"Come play it with me!" Rebecca scooted over, patting the space next to her. "You had this song memorized in less than a week! Karen was so shocked, remember?" Rebecca recalled all of these wonderful memories of this song with her little sister, their piano teacher a big part in both lives.

"You play piano?!" Jungkook spoke while Kathryn glared at Rebecca. "Go play dumbass!" Jungkook pushed her forward lightly, Taehyung coming to stand beside Jungkook, filing Kathryn's absence.

Kathryn sat next to Rebecca, Rebecca bouncing with excitement. "We haven't played together in years!"

"Calm down." Kathryn elbowed Rebecca, setting her hands on the piano. "Are we gonna play or are you going to be weird the whole time?" And so they began, Rebecca mumbling Kathryn to stop banging on the piano and Kathryn cussing back, playing loudly.

The two sisters, so alike, yet not. Rebecca plays with her soul, pouring emotion into her music. Kathryn? She plays with her fingers, her brain. She doesn't put emotion in the notes. She keeps it a steady pace, a single dynamic, no emotion.

"We have the best girlfriends ever." Jungkook stared in amazement as he listened to the duet, mesmerized. Taheyung smiled softly at his own girlfriend, loving how she swayed to the song.

"We do."


"Give me the toaster!" Jungkook threw a shoe at Jin who was running up the stairs with said toaster, bagels falling out of it.

"Fuck you Jungle Boy!" Jin screamed, Aidyn pressing her back against the wall as the two ran past her.

"What the hell is going on?" Aidyn walked down the stairs, San and her call on hold. Nath and Jackson were asleep together on the couch, Star seeing how many straws she could put in Jackson's open mouth before he would wake up, Yoongi happily recording it all. With no response, Aidyn sighed, turning around.

The art room would be a nice quiet place to talk with San-

Nope, nope not there.

Jimin and Mida were making out in there.

"Where's the smiley people at?" She mumbled aloud, looking in Sophie's empty room, freezing once she heard a clunk on the piano. "I bet Kathryn's playing."

"What was that?" San spoke from her phone, Aidyn completely forgetting she was on call with him

"Shit I forgot I was you." Aidyn drifted off, watching a toaster fly past the window to the ground outside. "Hold on San I'll call you back."

Why the fuck did a toaster just fall from the roof?


"Are you two 12?" Cerys raised her voice, Jungkook and Jin's heads lowered as they sat next to each other on the couch. Cerys was quite pissed the two had broken the toaster. She was not afraid to give them a piece of her mind either.

Sophie slowly raised her camera, recording the whole scene. Nath slowly pushed Sophie's camera down, Sophie sneaking it back up again. Evelyn was laughing her ass of in the kitchen, Kathryn beside her, pointing at Jungkook while laughing as well.

"You have a punishment." Cerys walked to the two, taking their hands and pushing them next to each other. "You have to hold hands the rest of the day. If I have to go to the store and buy handcuffs I will."

Aidyn opened her mouth, raising her finger as well, but closed her mouth. "Nope, I'm not going to say it." Cerys turned around, narrowing her eyes at Aidyn.

"Shut it."

"I didn't say it!"

"But you thought about it!" Sophie laughed, the camera pointed at Aidyn.

"I'm gonna whoop your ass-"

"His hands are sweaty!" Jin whined, shoving Jungkook away from him. "I'm not touching that!"

"My hands aren't sweaty! It's yours that are sweaty!" Jungkook slammed a pillow into Jin's face. "Cerys please just let us buy you like fifteen toasters instead please anything but touching him." Jungkook noticed the zero change in Cerys face. "Listen, I will get on my knees and beg." Jin nailed him with the pillow, Jungkook falling backwards. "You bitch-"

"I think you're gonna need handcuffs."


Rebecca sat on the couch next to Jungkook and Jin, baby JiHun in her arms. She was babysitting her godson and the two handcuffed, everyone else out of the house or... where was everyone else?

Ah, Evelyn was out with Star and Yoongi.

Anna was stalking Yugyeom and the rest of his band at one of their performances, Kathryn with her.

Sophie and Rachel were on double dates with their boyfriends and Nath and Jackson were at the orphanage.

Aidyn and San were at some field, watching the stars, and if Rebecca remembered correctly, Mida and Jimin joined.

Yes, Rebecca was babysitting Cerys' baby. Jaehyun and Cerys were going out for the first time after JiHun was born. They needed a break, being a parent was hard, but they were hella good at it.

(freaking cerys once i ask her where she and jaehyun live 'me and jae= living on the streets with our child bc we're irresponsible parents' .... buddy i just wrote that yall are responsible)

Oh, and did I mention Rebecca was JiHun's godmother?

"No." Rebecca slapped Jungkook's hand away from Jihun, Jungkook's mouth dropping open. "No touching."

"I'm his godfather!" Jungkook tried to touch JiHun's hand, but was slapped away by Taehyung, his arm around Rebecca.

"I'm his godmother which is far better than you." Rebecca laughed softly, shaking JiHun's hand gently. "Isn't that write baby? I'm better than Jungkookie aren't I?"

"Becca I swear-" Jungkook was interrupted by Jin yanking on the handcuffs, dragging Jungkook to his feet.

"I gotta pee."

"No!" Jungkook pulled Jin back, staring at Taehyung and Rebecca with wide eyes. "Please unlock us for two minutes! Don't make me do this!"

"It's called a punishment for a reason."

"I never liked you two anyways!"

"Jungkook are you crying?"

"Fuck off Jin."

"We're handcuffed-"

"I'm such a good godmother."

"Yes you are. You'll be an amazing mother too."

"Well damn-"

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