
175 10 13

Star: 24
Anna: 24
Sophie: 20
Kathryn: 20
Rachel: 20
Mida: 24
Aidyn: 22
Rebecca: 23
Nath: 26
Cerys: 23


Rebecca glared up at her younger sister who was holding onto carriers of smoothies, smiling widely, expecting everyone to be taking a smoothie. "Hey dumbass, we are at a cafe. We get our drinks here." Kathryn's face slowly filled with realization as her lips shaped 'o.'

"Well regardless, you all owe me three dollars." Kathryn sat the smoothies down, and put her hands on her lips, her fiery red hair blowing into her face.

"Come here dummy." Anna grinned and pulled the youngest in for a hug, the mother and child together at last. "It's okay, now we have coffee and smoothies." Rebecca settled for a fist bump with her sister, seeing her only five months ago. "Oh my hand sanitizer!" Anna quickly grabbed it and squirted it in Kathryn's hand, her frowning and thanking her, a bit confused. Star handed Mida two churros, same with Kathryn, but froze once she looked over Kathryn's shoulder.

"Look," Star snickered and pointed across the road. "There's Nath. She looks confused." Mida turned around in her chair and saw that Nath was looking down at her phone, then up at the names of the shops where she was at. Mida stood up and,

"Nath! We're over here!"

All girls stood up and started to wave their hands like maniacs, shouting for Nath, who saw them and was smiling, making her way to a crosswalk. Well, Anna was sitting, shielding her face from the public, pretending to not know these crazy people. Sophie snorted upon seeing her embarrassed, loving to embarrass people. Nath shooed them down, her face growing bright red as strangers stared at her with weird looks, the attention on her.

"Nathie!" Rebecca laughed as Nath tried to avoid the hug, but gave in eventually, the group finally completed. "It's so good to finally see you!" She kissed her cheek and Nath pushed her away with a laugh. "Woah your hair." Rebecca was stroking poor Nath's hair who sighed in defeat, the younger one already too energetic for her old self. Yes, Nath was the eldest, and the girls use that to their advantage.

"The Sexy Potatoes," Cerys spread her arms out, smiling widely, everyone seated after all the hugs were distributed. "Have been assembled."

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