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Mida almost shit her pants when at least twenty pillows were thrown from the second floor right in front of her, Jimin jumping as well. Both were laid on the couch, Mida laying on top of him, clinging to him lightly.

"Did we hit the target?" Kathryn laughed from above.

"Darn we missed." Sophie's head popped out too, right beside Kathryn.

"What were you aiming for?" Mida looked up, Jimin chuckled, shaking Mida's head lightly.

"You." Sophie and Kathryn both giggled, running away, startling Mida's cat Twinkle.

"Brats." Mida rolled her eyes with a smile, leaning her head to peck Jimin's lips. "At least I'm not the one carrying all those pillows back up the stairs?" Jaehyun froze, a bowl of icecream in his hands, looking at the couple.

"Didn't you hear?" He asked, taking a bite of the ice cream, using a fork instead of a spoon. The couple on the couch gave him a confused look, edging him on to explain. "The girls are kicking us boys out tonight. Apparently it's 'girls night.'" Jaehyun shrugged, walking to the music room to look outside with his fork and ice cream.

"Noooo." Mida whined softly, burying her head in Jimin's neck. "I don't want you to leave."

"But I'm not a girl." Jimin laughed, kissing her head and hugging her tighter, taking in her sweet scent. "You'll have fun, Baby."

"But the cuddles." Mida kissed his neck, Jimin squirming a little.

"We can have cuddles all day tomorrow." Jimin pulled her up from his neck, meeting eye to eye. "Sound good Princess?" Mida nodded and Jimin smiled, kissing her nose before attacking the rest of her face with kisses. Aidyn walked down the stairs to see the two giggling, kissing each other like the other's face was full of honey. She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Get a room you two."


"Bye Love." Mida waved as Jimin walked away, him turning to wave, Jin slapping his head. The two just finished their goodbye at the door, and now Jimin was barely walking, shouting sentences of love to his girlfriend, blowing kisses and declaring who loved the other more.

"Jimin!" Jin slammed on the horn, both sides of the couple jumping. "If you don't have your ass in the car in the next five seconds-"

"Jin!" Evelyn popped out from behind Jin, holding up her middle finger. "Shut the hell up and let them be, you lonely asshole!" Jimin coughed, covering up his laughter as Mida doubled over in laughter.

"What do you mean lonely!" Jin shouted, his mouth wide up. "I have you!"

"No you don't!" Evelyn held up both middle fingers now, sticking her tongue out for good measures.

"I bought you flowers, women!"

"In a box you hollow Pizza Roll!"

"Okay okay, break it up you two." Mida got over her laughter, pushing Evelyn inside. "I love you Jimin! Goodbye Jin." She waved, watching the two drive off.


"Braid braid braid braid braid." Rebecca and Sophie chanted, marching in a circle around the couch. Anna sat on the couch, braiding Mida's hair, getting slightly irritated at Rebecca and Sophie's chants.

"I swear to God if you two don't shut up I'm ripping your hair out instead of braiding it." Anna snapped, Rebecca and Sophie froze, Star turning so they wouldn't see her smiling. Rebecca and Sophie turned to each other and laughed, falling onto the pile of blankets. "I love you both though." Sophie blew a kiss at Anna who rolled her eyes, Mida giggling.

"Alright, we are watching all of the rom coms there are." Nath plopped down on the couch beside Anna, a lollipop in her mouth. "I have them all picked out. First, 13 Going on 30."

"Question." Aidyn raised her hand, a bowl of popcorn in her lap. "Why can't-" She slapped Racehl's hand away from the popcorn. "Why can't we watch a horror movie?"

"Reason one." Star pointed at Kathryn. "Reason two." She pointed at Mida. "Reason three." Sophie waved with a smile. "Rea-"

"Okay I get it." Aidyn waved her hand, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth. "We have a bunch of babies." All of the girls who were scared of horror movies, which were about half of them, all gasped. The pillow fight started once Kathryn nailed Aidyn in the face with a pillow, saying that jump scares are total bullshit.

Finally, an hour later, they finally started the movie. Everyone had a bowl of goodies in their lap, a drink by their side, and a blanket wrapped around them tight.

It would've been a miracle if they could go a full five minutes without someone making a comment about the movie. Usually it was Sophie, complaining about American movies, or it was Rebecca complimenting the scenes and cuts and the acting. Kathryn of course was confused the whole time with Anna beside her, doing everything in her power not to strangle the small child to make her shut up.

Anna enjoyed smacking her with a Twizzler.

"Who wants my popcorn?" Mida held up her bowl, full from the candies Star had brought and no room left for the popcorn, pizza eaten only two hours earlier as well. "Not Kathryn because she already ate Nath's." Kathryn crossed her arms, glaring at Mida who shrugged, still holding her bowl. "Rachel? I know you want it."

"Me me!" Sophie shook her hand in the air, trying to get Mida to look at her. "I want it! Give it to me!" Mida looked back at Rachel who shook her head no, a knowing smile on her face.

"Bex?" Mida offered it to the girl next to her, her arm around Mida. Rebecca mumbled a 'no thank you,' smiling widely, glancing over at Sophie. Her begs were getting louder and more urgent as Mida slid her eyes right past her. "Evelyn-"

"MIDA!" Sophie threw a plushie at Mida. "I'm the only one who wants it!"

"Oh, Sophie? You want it?" Mida smiled, handing over her bowl to Sophie, everyone finally allowed to laugh, teasing Sophie, Cerys high fiving Mida. "I didn't notice her." Mida shrugged shamelessly, winking once her eyes met Sophie.

"Mean Girls time."

"I'm Regina George!"

"No I am!"

"I want to be the gay one."

"You're already the gay one."

"Shut your mouth."

"No you!"


"okAY! Break it up!"

"I want to be the 'She doesn't even go here!' girl."

"But I want to."

"Can we please just watch the movie?"


i love you mida💕

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