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"Bex?" Mida yawned as she walked into the music room, Rebecca laying in the middle of the room, on her side, looking outside, past the glass wall. (Chapter Squash if you forget what it looks like). "What are you doing down here?" Mida sat next to Rebecca, allowing Rebecca to rest her head in her lap. "You have goosebumps." Rebecca shrugged, twirling her ring.

"I'm always cold." Rebecca looked up at Mida. "How come everyone has someone but me?" Mida frowned softly, Rebecca turning her attention back to the window. "I just wanted to lay down here alone, be depressed."

"Awh, that's no fun." Mida pinched Rebecca's cheeks softly, drawing a smile. "No one wants to be alone."

"Yeah, well I am." Rebecca sent Mida into silence, both hearts paining. "Everyone met their dream man. Everyone's dating and being so loved. And, I'm not." Rebecca looked back up at Mida, Mida's forehead creased in concentration. "Why me?"

"It takes time Bex." Mida reassured, deciding on her response, looking outside. "You'll meet your lover, and you'll be so, so happy, just like how you deserve to be." Rebecca opened her mouth to contradict that, but Mida shushed her. "Bex, admit that I'm right." The two smiled in the dark, both of their eyes on the outside world, silence ensuing in the room.

"You're right."


"Jackson and I decided we wanted to volunteer at an orphanage." Nath spoke as Star rolled around on her bed. "You are going to remake that if you mess it up." That didn't stop Star from petting her cat, Sarang, getting her fur all over Nath's bed. "I'm going to lock you out of my room." Star laughed, watching Nath pick up her purse, her phone dinging. "Okay, Jackson is here. Remember, you have to tell them where I went because I won't be back till tonight."

"Eye eye Captain." Star saluted the eldest, Nath quietly leaving the house. No one else was awake but those two. Who in their right mind would be up at seven in the morning on a Saturday? Only Star.


"Jae and I are going to go to the library." Cerys announced, walking down the stairs, already dressed for the day, surprising the awake girls at the countertop, eating the oatmeal Star had so kindly made for them. "I'll text you when I come back." Rebecca smiled sadly from the couch, a cup of coffee in her hands. Oh how she wished she was in love.

"No fucking!" Mida called out before Cerys could shut the door. The girls heard a faint laugh from her and the shutting of a car door. "That girl...I swear."

"She's cute." Aidyn spoke mid bite. "She's a hopeless romantic." The girls mumbled sounds of agreement, continuing their life as normal.

"I'm going to the music store." Rebecca stood up, walking straight to her shoes. She's been dressed for an hour or so now, hair brushed. "I'll be back."

"But-" Aidyn called out, frowning as Rebecca shut the door, not allowing anyone else to speak. "Didn't she just go yesterday?"

"That's so weird." Star mumbled, leaning against the fridge, orange juice in her hands.

"It comforts her." Mida spoke up for Rebecca, remembering their hour long conversation last night. "She likes to be surrounded by music." The two other girls hummed, Rachel walking down the stairs, just now waking up. "She feels left out, and lonely. Since, you know, she is the only one without a boyfriend."

"Becca?" Rachel accepted the bowl of oatmeal. Mida nodded and Rachel took a bite. "Yeah, I feel bad."


"Jihun!" Jackson laughed, chasing after the little boy who had a bowl on his head, chocolate all over him. "Get back here!" Nath giggled, not pausing her little pace with the baby in her arms, the kids all laughing in the next room. Jackson had just finished teaching them how to play a card game, and they've been at it for almost twenty minutes.

"How's it going kiddos?" Nath whispered softly, walking into the rather quiet room. The kids all waved at her, crayons in their hands, several drawings thrown across the floor. "Good." She nodded and walked back out to see Jackson carrying two boys over his shoulder, screaming a war cry, the little boys joining in.

"We must protect the princess!" Jackson sat the two boy down, wrapping his arm around Nath, holding an empty paper towel roll like a sword. "Come on boys! We must fight!"

"What, exactly are you fighting?" Nath smiled, Jackson holding her tighter. Jackson licked his lips, his eyes dancing across her face, finally landing on her lips, closing the space between them.

"Anyone that stands in my way."

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