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"Star?" Rebecca frowned, pausing at Star's door once she heard sniffles. "Can I come in?" Star hummed and the sniffles stopped. Rebecca opened the door to see Star trying to wipe away her tears, sniffling aggressively. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Rebecca sat next to Star, pulling her in for a hug.

"I gotta...make breakfast." Star mumbled, trying to shy away from Rebecca.

"No no, don't worry about that." Rebecca kept a tight hold on Star. "You need to relax Star." Star huffed and relaxed, keeping her eyes forward. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like me. I'm ugly." Star crossed her arms despite Rebecca hugging her. Rebecca pursed her lips and forced the two to lean against the wall, laying. "I hate my face."

"That's not a very nice thing to say about yourself Star." Rebecca patted her shoulder, looking at the wall full of pictures Star had taken of the girls and herself. "You're beautiful just the way you are." Rebecca poked her cheek, Star slapping her hand away.

"No I'm not."

"You are so special. What is it that Yoongi calls you again?" Rebecca frowned, trying to remember the nickname that Yoongi had given Star. It's been at least four or five months since they've dated. There were so many nicknames.

"His shooting star." Star mumbled, a blush pecking her cheeks.

"Exactly." Rebecca nodded once, thanking Yoongi in her head. "He is so lucky to have you. Shooting stars are rare, and once you catch one, you're said to be happy for forever."

"Yoongi's lucky with me?"

"So so lucky."

"Bob!" Anna whined quite loudly down the hall and socks could be heard sliding across the wood. "I require the cuddles. I am the depressed. I am waiting in your room for the cuddles." Rebecca smiled softly and looked at Star once she snorted.

"Wanna join?" Rebecca sat up, giving Star one last pat on the head.

"No I'm good." Star shook her head and held Sarang tight to herself. "I'm going to call Yoongi and tell him he's a lucky asshole." Rebecca chuckled and stood up, stretching her arms above her head.

"Sounds good Star. I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Country roadsssss. Take me homeee. To the placeeeee I beLongGGG." Anna wailed on Rebecca's bed, trying to cope with her tears.

"When did I say you could cry on my bed?" Rebecca smiled sadly, pulling Anna into a hug, letting her cry into her shoulder. "And that's a very interesting song to cope with depression."

"I makes me feel yeehaw." Anna sniffed, hugging Rebecca tightly.

"That's...okay." Rebecca didn't question the new adjective, just allowing Anna to cry. "Just let it out Anna, you're going to be okay." They managed to lay down, their heads on the pillow as Anna started to regain her slow, regular breathing.

"Wow I'm depressed." Anna finally spoke, Rebecca nodding along. "I just want to die, you know?"

"I know. Trust me." Rebecca looked up at the ceiling. "But hey, what would Yugyeom think about that?"

"'Oh that dumb bitch I thought she wouldn't have enough bal-'" Anna poorly mimicked Yugyeom's voice and was cut off by a light smach by Rebecca.

"No, he wouldn't say that." Rebecca shook her head, frowning at her words. "He would be so upset. He loves you so much Anna, and you're willing to just leave him here?" Anna was silent. "And what about us girls? We've been through so much together, memes and mental breakdowns. And you want to just ditch all of those memories?"

"" Anna mumbled, feeling mad at herself now. "But, I just wish I was happy."

"I know. Happiness is hard to reach. But we will reach it together. You've got your two Brownies, his friends, us girls and our boyfriends. We're going to make so many happy memories together and we are going to thrive. We are going to live our lives to the fullest. And then, we all have kids, we're going to be those bad bitch wine moms and have the best families in the world. Doesn't that sound amazing?" Rebecca smiled up at the ceiling, imagining it all now.

"That does sound amazing."

"So live a little long Anna. We'll show you how great life can be." Rebecca patted Anna's shoulder, proud of her own words. Anna felt reassured, relaxed even.

That all was shattered when they heard Sophie sob out from downstairs.

"Sophie?" Star ran out from her room and sped down the stairs, Rebecca and Anna following quickly. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Sophie was the youngest of these four, and it was easy to forget how young she really is because of how mature she acts. But it all stayed in the three girls' head while they joined for a group hug.

"Let's sit down." Anna guided the group to the couch, everyone sitting closely together and clinging tightly. "Sophie, what's wrong?"

"I'm sad and I hate myself and I don't want to and I just want the hate to stop." She cried out, burying her head in Rebecca's shoulder.

"Shh, shh." Rebecca ran her fingers through Sophie's hair as she sobbed in her shoulder. "It's okay. We know how you feel." Before you know it, Anna had succumbed to the tears as well, Star following because she's never seen Anna cry before. And then finally, Rebecca let her tears fall too, feeling helpless in this crying hug.

No one was there to help them.

"Woah!" Cerys kicked the door open. "What is happening?! Why are we crying?!" She threw her shoes to the side and hurried over to the girls, Jaehyun frozen at the door. "No crying, what's wrong??" Cerys forced herself in the group hug, quickly hugging all of them.

"Cerys?" Rebecca sniffed, Sophie laughing out through her tears and clinging to Cerys neck.

"Yes yes, the horny bitch is back."

i might discontinue this book

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