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"I'm going to miss you so much!" Rebecca hugged Cerys tight, Namjoon helping Jaehyun carry the final boxes to his car. "But I'm so happy for you. You're going to be so happy." Jaehyun and Cerys were moving to Berlin together, living their dream lives. They've dated for about two months now, as well as everyone else. Cerys and Jaehyun are perfect for each other, soulmates if you will. But she did have to leave behind the girls for her love. Of course they'll still text and all, of course they're still friends, just some distance.

"Bye lovebirds!" All of the girls shouted, some of them with their boyfriends with them. Cerys waved from the window of the car, laughing. She's so happy. Everyone is so happy for her.

"Awhhh." Anna laughed softly, hugging the crying Rebecca. "It's okay Smushie. We can still text her." Yugyeom joined the two in the hug. He hated seeing others upset, and he knows how close Cerys and Rebecca were. Star wrapped an arm around Aidyn, leading her inside, the rest of the girls following. "Let's go Bex."


"Where's my dumbass at?" Yoongi asked as he walked in, sliding in his shoes, not even knocking.

"How do you keep getting in?" Rachel laughed, setting down her book to turn on the lights. "I could've sworn I locked the door." Yoongi held up the key he had stolen several weeks ago. "So that's where Kathryn's key went." Yoongi chuckled and looked around the living room.

"Where is Star?" Yoongi turned back to Rachel who shrugged, picking up her book and mug cake and found a seat in the living room. Rachel shrugged.

"Try the art room?" Yoongi did as told, but no one was inside. So he began to wander the second floor before discovering there was a staircase to the third floor, which was unknown to him. There were three doors. Two shut, one open. The one open was an empty bedroom, probably Rachel's. He knew where everyone else's bedrooms were, just not Aidyn's and Rachel's. He could hear Aidyn and San giggling together and arguing about Uno in her room, so he journeyed to the final door. More stairs.

"Great." Yoongi grumbled, but took the stairs that most likely led to the roof. "Star? Bub? Are you out here?"

"Yeah." Her tiny voice called out and Yoongi shut the door behind him, finding his girlfriend in the dark. She was painting the floor of the roof, only her phone as a source of light.

"What are you doing, you goofball?" Yoongi sat beside her, pulling her into her arms. "It's cold out here and you aren't even wearing a coat." He let her go to take off his jacket and to wrap it around her. Once he pulled her back to his chest, he stroked the hair from her face so he could see her eyes.

"Painting." Star sighed, sitting up from him to continue the painting of the sunflowers. "Does it look okay?" Yoongi kissed her forehead and smiled at her painting. She was so gentle once she painted. He loved it.

"It's beautiful." Yoongi spoke gently, resting his chin on her shoulder, watching her carefully brush movements. "Not as beautiful as you though." Star froze. "Oh, so I have your attention now?" Yoongi grinned, turning his head to kiss Star's neck. "You're so cute, Cutie."


"Where's Rachel?" Mida asked, sitting down in the kitchen, accepting the cup of coffee from Star. "You have something on....on your neck." Mida drifted off with a smile once she knew what it was. "Did you and Yoongi have fun last night?" Star glared at Mida and threw a pancake at her, Mida laughing as Star finally yielded a chuckle, adjusting her hair in an attempt to hide the hickies.

"Rachel is picking up Evelyn from the airport, remember?" Star reminded her, mumbling a 'fuck you' as Kathryn jokingly pushed Star out of her way.

"Why didn't we have Rebecca pick her up again?" Mida took a bite of the pancake, not using her utensils, but her fingers instead.

"Evelyn and Rebecca went to the same highschool, remember?" Star flipped a few pancakes, ramming her hip into Kathryn on purpose once she walked past her. "So we thought if we surprised Rebecca with Evelyn, it'd cheer her up."

"Oh yeah." Mida nodded, swallowing her pancake. "Wasn't that my idea?" Star laughed and nodded, Mida smiling at her own forgetfulness.

"Namjoon and Jin went with them." Hoseok sat next to Mida, stealing a pancake from Mida's plate, earning a gentle slap. "So the Evelyn girl will be hit with two idols right off the bat."

"Ooo!" Kathryn laughed, sitting on the other side of Hoseok, messing up his already messy hair. "Maybe she and Jin will fall in love!"

"Awh." Star smiled, pausing her stirring of the batter. "That'd be so cute."

"I can see Jin annoying the shit out of her though." Mida snorted, dunking her pancakes in syrup, not minding the mess she was making. There was a cry from the music room and then a giant crash, Anna throwing her door open immediately after, Yugyeom standing behind her.

"Rebecca?" Kathryn jogged towards the music room, concerned as to why there was a giant crash. Jackson and Yugyeom ran from Nath and Anna's room, the two girls following them, Kathryn and Hoseok bringing up the rear.

"Easy, easy." Jackson ran over to Rebecca, who was on the floor, the tipped cabinet on her leg. "Yugyeom." Yugyeom was instantly next to Jackson, the two men lifting the cabinet from her leg, a hundred or so music books falling from the shelves as they pushed it back upright.

"Bex," Anna helped Rebecca roll up her sweatpants to reveal a giant bruise already forming on her calf. There was an indent that was slowly returning to normal on her leg, but luckily no blood. "What happened?" The three boys let the girls help Rebecca while they started on the clean up of this disaster. But they couldn't really put the music books anywhere because the shelves were all broken. Kathryn was already scrolling through the internet, looking for an even better cabinet for her sister.

"I needed the purple book." Rebecca mumbled, wiping away her tears. "It was on the top shelf and I used the bottom drawer to give me extra height and I grabbed a shelf and I guess that was enough momentum for the whole thing to fall." Rebecca opened the purple book in her hands. "I remembered one of my favorite songs was in here."

"Becca," Jackson sat next to Nath, joining the circle of girls, Yugyeom and Hoseok stacking the books behind him. "If something's too high, you could've asked me to help. I'm always happy to help."

"I didn't want to be a bother." Rebecca mumbled, her fingers tapping out the melody of the song in her lap, her eyes not leaving the notes. Kathryn got her sister's attention by smacking her head.

"Stop being a depressed little shit, Bug-a-Boo." She used her nickname for her older sister, earning a glare and a middle finger.

"Why is everyone on the floor?"


we love you cerys <3

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