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"H-hey, Jin." Sophie stuttered as she walked into BTS' apartment, the ket Hoseok gave her clutched in her shaking hands. "Is, uhm, is Hoseok here?" Jin sat down his phone and sat up straighter, his eyes softening as he saw Sophie standing there, trying so desperately to not break down and cry right there.

"Yeah. He's in his room." Jin pointed down the hall, knowing she knows the way. "Can I get you anything? A water?" Sophie swallowed a sob as she shook her head, walking past him quickly. Jin nodded and tried to go back to his Tik Tok scrolling. But it just didn't feel right. He clicked out of the app and decided to text Evelyn.

Hey, I was just checking up on you. I hope you're having a good day :)

"H-Hoseok?" Sophie knocked softly before peeking into her boyfriend's room. Hoseok dropped his phone once he looked up at her, jumping from the floor and hugging her tightly, the door shutting behind them. Sophie sobbed into his shoulder, Hoseok's heartbeat quickening as he held her tight, his hand holding her head from behind, his other rubbing her back.

"You're okay, you're okay." He rocked them slowly, Sophie's bag falling to the floor softly, her sobs muffled by Hoseok's sweatshirt. He blinked quickly as he stared at the wall, letting her cry into him, trying to withhold his own tears. Oh how he hated watching people cry, especially those he cares about so much.

"I'm sorry." Sophie sniffed, tears slowed down now. "I just, I don't know. I thought..." Hoseok knew she was lost. Sadness hit when it wanted to. And when it swung, it swung hard. He knows.

"Let's take a seat Sophie." Hoseok led them to his bed, holding onto her as they both sat down. "Now let's wipe away those tears." He smiled gently, using his thumbs to wipe away the smeared mess on her face, Sophie sniffing, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "Look how beautiful you are." Hoseok kissed her nose, his hands holding hers.

"I'm far from beautiful." Sophie shook her head and looked down, no longer holding onto Hoseok's hands, letting them loosely hang in his. "I don't even know how you chose me."

"Soph, my love." Hoseok squeezed her hands, keeping the gentle smile on his face despite the pain his heart was being attacked with. "Do we need to have this conversation again?" Sophie didn't look up and Hoseok knew the answer. He sighed softly and pulled her onto his bed, tucking her in to his covers and making sure she had plenty of pillows. "My favorite thing about you are your eyes." Hoseok had his arm under her neck, laying next to her closely as they stared at the ceiling. "They're so big and your eyes sparkle even in the darkest of lights." Hoseok turned to kiss her cheek, Sophie closing her eyes, willing the tears to stay in their chamber. "And don't even get me started on your laugh."


"Go faster!" Jackson shouted, shaking Nath's shoulder lightly as she just screamed in response, trying her hardest to stay on the track, not caring about how fast she was going. "You're going to lose!"

"Jackson this game is too hard!" Nath whined, shoving the remote in his hands. Jackson stared at Nath while he completed the course, the track engraved in his memory. "I hate you." Jackson threw the remote to the side and pushed Nath back on the couch, both laughing as Jackson hit her with gentle kisses across her face, Nath's wrists in his hands, Nath not fighting back.

He could do this all day for all she cared-

"Nath!" Kathryn screamed, running down the stairs, Jungkook being dragged from behind her. "Nath Rebecca is going on a date!" That's when Nath shoved Jackson off of her, but quickly helped him to his feet as Kathryn continued to shout, Rebecca's retort faintly heard from her room.

"My child is growing up!" Nath shrieked, running up the stairs, Jackson shaking his head with a sigh, Jungkook escaping Kathryn and sitting next to him.



"Joonie!" Rachel was the first to barge into BTS' dorm. "Get your fake glasses out! We're spying on Rebecca!" Namjoon popped up from the couch, Jimin doing the same, his hair all messed up.

"Rebecca's on a date?" He smiled and stood up, Mida drifting closer to him. "About time. That girl deserves someone." Mida kissed his cheek, standing up on her tiptoes.

"Everyone needs to be dressed in black!" Nath announced, pulling up the rear with her and Aidyn, both of their boyfriends as well. "Steal your boyfriend's hoodies!"

"Jin!" Evelyn shouted, opening up the fridge. "Where are you shithead?" Jin came running from his room, black hoodie, hat, and a fake mustache in his hands.

"Wear it!" All items were thrown at Evelyn, earning a glare.

"Kinda sad how Taehyung is the only one of you seven who is single." Star made small talk with Yoongi as she traded her white sweatshirt for his black one.

"Not for long."



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