The End

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The walls around you begin to shake and crumble. You jump out of bed, pulling Loki with you. 

"What?" Loki groans, not happy about being woken up.

The ceiling comes down and Loki teleports both of you outside just in time. Once outside an army surrounds you. You fight as best you can but there are too many and they're closing in. They all take hold of you and Loki. You freeze the soldiers that grabbed you and turn to do the same for Loki but he's not there.

"Loki!" you cry.

As the tower crashes to the ground you hear a muffled cry. You run towards the sound stabbing or freezing everyone in your way. Once you get to the origin of the cry, you're at the end of the street.

"Loki!" you yell.


"Loki!" you scream.

Absolute silence. Two soldiers come up behind you and put power dampening handcuffs on you. Gerta's brother comes striding up to you with Loki in hand. Gerda's brother pulls a dagger from his pocket. 

"Your death came at the hands of Abigor," Gerda's brother who's apparently Abigor says before he tosses the dagger.

"I love you, (Y/n)," Loki mouths before a soldier hands Abigor a sword and he uses it to slice Loki's head clean off. 

Loki reverts back to his Jotun form.

"Nooooooo!" you scream.

Abigor smirks as he tosses Loki's body to the side. Abigor grabs Loki's head and throws it to you. As the tears escape, the cuffs begin to freeze. The handcuffs are completely frozen. You break out of them. You don't know how it happened or even how it was possible but an ice blast kills everyone around. You sink to the ground. 

"Loki," you cry, tears streaming down your face.

You pick up Loki's head and cradle it. You make yourself stand up and walk over to Loki's body. You line up Loki's head with what's left of his neck. You close Loki's eyes. For the last time, you lay down next to him, ignoring the crimson puddle beneath you. You lay your head on his chest. The absent heartbeat breaks your heart and you realize you'll never hear it again. Loki will never be back. He's gone and never coming back. He'll never wrap his arms around you after your nightmares. He's just gone. You don't want to live in a world without Loki. You take Loki's arms and wrap them around yourself wanting to be held in his arms one last time. 

"I love you too," you whisper before drawing the dagger Loki gave you and driving through your heart. 



Well, that was something. Thank you so much for reading and voting. I hit 2k reads a few days ago and it almost brought me to tears. Thank you so so much. Sorry about the ending... I guess it might be a little sad... But this is the last chapter. I really hope you enjoyed my story. I know I left some loose ends so please comment if you have any questions. Love y'all!

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