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You and Loki returned to the tower before sunset. You get out of the car and head to your room with Loki close behind. 

"I'm tired, do you just wanna sleep?" you ask Loki, once you get to your room.

"Whatever you want, love," Loki answers.

You yawn.

"I'm gonna go to bed. You're welcome to join me," you inform Loki.

"I'd be happy to join. My room or yours?" Loki questions.

"Yours," you answer, walking to Loki's room.

"Why do you like sleeping in my room?" Loki asks.

"I like the way it smells," you admit meekly.

Loki smirks and opens his door for you. You walk in rolling your eyes.

"Thank you," you say.

"Of course," Loki responds.

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt and some sweatpants?" you ask quietly.

"Of course," Loki says, getting clothes from his dresser.

"Thank you," you respond.

Loki hands you some clothes. 

"I'm gonna change in here, you can change in the bathroom," Loki informs you.

You nod and kiss Loki's cheek.

"Thank you," you say, walking to the bathroom.

You come back to a half-naked Loki.

"You decide not to wear a shirt?" you question, making your presence in the room known.

Loki jumps a little at your voice.

"Sorry, darling. I'll put one on," Loki says, after composing himself.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't mind. I actually kinda like it," you admit softly.

Loki chuckles.

"Alright, I'll leave it off," Loki says quietly.

You smile and crawl into Loki's bed and Loki follows suit. You curl around Loki.

"I love you so much, Loki," you coo.

"I love you too, (Y/n)," Loki responds, kissing your head.

You smile and kiss Loki. At first, the kiss is slow and gentle but it quickly turns rougher and needier. You move so you're on top of Loki, with both of your arms on either side of his head, holding you up. You break the kiss and let yourself fall on top of Loki. Loki groans at the sudden wait. 

"Is that really the best place for you to be?" Loki questions, sarcastically.

"Yes, this was it's easier to do this," you say, kissing Loki again.

Loki breaks the kiss.

"Hmm, I think you're right," Loki agrees.

With a chuckle, you roll off of Loki.

"Hey! I thought we agreed that was the best place for you?" Loki exclaims.

You chuckle.

"Yes, but I'd like to sleep," you chortle.

Loki huffs.

"Goodnight, darling. I love you," Loki coos.

You curl closer to Loki.

"Goodnight, Loki. I love you too," you respond.

You fall asleep happily in Loki's arms.


You wake up after Loki (As always).

"Good morning, Loki," you greet.

"Good morning, love," Loki responds, pulling you closer to him.

"We should probably get up," you whisper.

"You're right, darling," Loki agrees.

You get out of Loki's bed lazily and stretch your arms and back with a yawn.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," you inform Loki.

"Ok, love, come and get me when you're done," Loki responds.

You nod and walk out of Loki's room. You get dressed and ready for the day then text Liam.

(Y/n)- Hey, wanna get lunch today?

Liam- Sure. where and when?

(Y/n)- (F/r) (Favorite restaurant) and 12:00?

Liam- Sounds good. See you then.

(Y/n)- Oh, by the way, Loki's coming.

Liam- Ok.

You put your phone in your pocket and head to Loki's room to tell him. You walk into Loki's room and find that he hasn't moved. 

"Loki, we're having lunch with Liam," you inform him.

Loki groans.

"When?" Loki asks.

"Today at 12:00," you reply.

Loki rolls and you walk over to Loki's bed.

"We've still got a few hours," you announce.

Loki grabs your wrist and pulls you onto the bed. You shriek and cuddle up to Loki.

"At least give me some warning next time," you scold, half-heartedly at best.

Loki laughs and pulls you closer to him. You lay your head on Loki's bare chest and fall asleep once more. You wake up to Loki shaking you.

"While I don't want to go to lunch, if you don't get up we will miss it," Loki says.

You open your eyes and get out of bed.

"Thank you, love," you coo, pecking Loki's soft lips.

"Of course, my love," Loki responds.

You smile at Loki.

"You should probably put on a shirt. We should be leaving like nowish," you inform Loki.

Loki nods and changes with magic.

"Darling, are you going with your hair like that, or would you like some help?" Loki asks, kindly.

"I completely forgot, if you wouldn't mind," you answer.

Loki nods and fixes your look with magic and you both head out to meet Liam.



Thank y'all so much for reading. Sorry, this was a short and uneventful chapter. I've been really busy lately so I haven't been able to write much. I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Hopefully, the next chapter will be more exciting. Love y'all!

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