April Fools

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"Hey, Loki when's your birthday?"

"Asgard's calendar isn't the same as Midgard's. I think it's around April 1st."


Loki nods confused.

"That's April fools day! The day people prank people, " you say with a huge smile.

"There a holiday dedicated to pranking?"

"Well, not exactly..."

Loki smiles like a psychopath.

"Oh my... Maybe telling you was a bad idea."

April fools

You had ended up sleeping with Loki on the couch. You woke up and Loki wasn't there. You went to your room to get ready for the day and what you had planned for Loki. You got clothes and got clothes and went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror. You screamed. You looked like Loki.


Loki or you... walked in.

"Yes, love?"

"What did you do," you demand.

"Body swap, " Loki says casually.


"Well, I wanted to prank you but I thought I could do it in a way that the Avengers would also get pranked."

"Does this mean I smile like a psychopath now, " you ask sarcastically.

Loki smiles and hugs you.

"I hope you don't mind. If you do I'll change you back."

"Can you change me back tonight?"


I have something planned for your birthday. I'd like us to be in our own bodies."

"What do you have planned?"

"It's a surprise."

You hear Tony scream. Loki smiles. You sigh and roll your eyes.

"I'm hungry. Let's go downstairs."

Loki nods. Loki grabs your hand and leads you downstairs.

"Good morning everyone," you greet.

Everyone looks at you annoyed.

"I didn't do any- Loki!"

You look over at Loki. He just chuckles and kisses your forehead.

"Why did (Y/n) just kiss Loki's forehead," Tony questions.

"No reason."

Natasha walks in.


Clint chuckles then tries to sit down on the chair but it moves and he falls on the ground. You laugh and look at Loki. He chuckles.

"Loki! Make it so we can sit, " Clint demands.

"It'll wear off in 24 hours," Loki informs them.

"Thanks (Y/n)," Tony grumbles.

You roll your eyes. Loki walks to the table and pulls out a chair for you. You trust him and sit in the chair. Low and behold it doesn't move and you're able to sit down. Loki sits in the chair next to yours.

"I made you breakfast, " you inform Loki.

"When? I was up before you."

"Last night."

"Aw, thank you, darling."

You smile at Loki and get the food you made him from the kitchen. You place a plate in front of Loki and one in front of your seat.

"I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will."

You kiss Loki but he pulls away quickly.

"Kiss me, " you command.

Tony grabs you by the throat and slams you against a wall.

"She was raped recently! Don't command her to kiss you!"

Loki comes up behind Tony and pulls him off of you.

"Tony I'm not Loki that is. He did a body swap!"

"So Loki didn't demand (Y/n) kiss him?"

"No! He's been too careful so I told him to kiss me."

Loki rolls his eyes.

"Darling I just want to make sure you're ok."

"I am."

You hug Loki.

"Thank you for letting recover but I'm ok now."

Loki kisses the top of your head.

"Ok, darling."

"Ok I'm going to eat now, " you announce.

You break free from Loki's grasp and go back to the table. Loki follows you. You eat and so does Loki. After that, you watch a movie with the team they watch standing up. You make lunch for everyone.

"Ok love change us back. I still have stuff to do and I need to get ready."

Loki nods and changes you back to you and him to him. You smile and run to your room to get ready.

(This is your dress)

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(This is your dress)

You get everything ready for your night with Loki. You knock on Loki's door. He's wearing his black suit.

"Wow, you look beautiful, darling. I love it when you wear my colors." "Thank you, Loki. You don't look too bad yourself. Who am I kidding you look hot. Anyway, are you ready? I've got everything ready."

Loki nods. And you walk him to the first thing you have planned.



Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed. If you'd like to see anything in the next chapter comment or pm me. Love y'all!

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