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Frigga knocks on Loki's door about an hour after you saw Odin. Loki's eyes lit up when he heard the knock obviously recognizing it.

"Come in mother."

Frigga walks in.

"I'm sorry about your father."

"He's not my father," Loki says through gritted teeth.

"Then am I not your mother?"

Loki hesitates. "You're not..." 

Frigga chuckles.

"Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself."

Loki sighs and hugs his mother. Frigga returns the hug.

"Now Odin said you brought Lady (Y/n) here to see me?"

"Yes, mother..."

"How come?"

Loki sighs and looks at as if he were asking for permission to share your story. You nod your head yes.

"Well, mother someone has done some horrid things to (Y/n) recently... I was wondering if you could heal her mind."

"Heal my mind? Loki you didn't say anything about that."

"She would have to be willing to do it Loki."

"Darling I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. I was afraid if I told you you wouldn't want to go."

"Loki I don't want your mother the Queen Of Asgard to go out of her way to help me," you tell him quietly.

"Darling if mother didn't want to do it she would say so."

You sigh giving in knowing there's no way you're going to win.


Frigga smiles at you. You smile back.

"Come on I'll take you to the healing wing then we'll get started."

You nod your head. Frigga leads you to the healing wing. Once you're there she leads you into a room.

"Lie down on the bed," Frigga directs you kindly.

You do as she said.

"Alright, I'm going to see all the events that caused your mind to be damaged and so are you. Is that alright?"

You nod your head. 

"Alright then if you're ready I'll start."

"I guess I'm ready..."

Frigga's hands start glowing. She places her glowing hands on your temples and suddenly it feels like there's another presence in your mind. You fall asleep. She does something then it's like you're watching a movie of when you killed someone and S.H.I.E.L.D took you away.

Someone walked up to the younger you.


She caught you off guard and a piece of ice shot out of your hand. It hit her in the stomach and started spreading. There was nothing you could do you were stuck just watching. In about a minute she was frozen solid. You feel to the ground as you hit the ground ice spread all around you. Your mom and dad walked up to you.

"Come on sweetheart we have to go," your dad tried to coax you into moving but it was too late.

S.H.I.E.L.D agents surrounded the whole place. One came up to you and put handcuffs on you.

"Come on. You're coming with us."

They dragged you away. You were crying and trying to get away but it was no use.

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now