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It's been a week since Loki was kidnapped. You hadn't slept at all. You couldn't. Every time you fell asleep you would have horrible nightmares about what could happen to Loki. Stark barges into your room.

"Frosty we know where reindeer games is!" he exclaims.

You jump up. 


"I know you don't actually care where he is." 

You nod.

"Let's just get to him."

Tony nods and you walk to the living room where everyone else is gathered. 

"What's the plan?" Steve asks.

"We don't have time to make a plan," you say in an aggressive tone. 

Stark sighs.

"I guess we'll just wing it," Stark says.

You nod.

"Alright, everyone to the quinjet," Steve orders.

You quickly run to the kitchen and chug a whole pot of coffee. You then grab five bottles of Five-hour Energy and chug those too. You then head to the quinjet. The whole ride you're nervous and angry. No one dared come near you. Once you're there you are the first one out. You see the nearby building. You're about to run to it but Steve grabs your arm.

"You can't go alone."

"Let me do this. I can handle it. I need to do this alone."

Tony hands you an earpiece.

"Call if you need help," Tony orders.

You nod.

"Don't worry."

You walk up behind the building where there are fewer guards. One raises his gun to shoot at you but you freeze him before he can pull the trigger. Three more guards run at you. You draw your dagger and slit one of their throats while freezing the other two. 

You walk inside. Five guys rush at you guns in hand. You stomp on the ground and icicles come out of the ground impaling all of them. A guy manages to tase you in the stomach. You growl and slice his head clean off with your dagger. You run into a large room and find Loki guarded by like twenty men. 

You stomp on the ground and the whole building and everyone inside it freezes. 

"Wow, I didn't know I could do that..." 

You run over to Loki and cut the chains off of him. 

"(Y/n)?" Loki asks weakly.

"Yes, love."

Loki raises his head. You caress his cheek.

"Come on, love. Let's get you home. Can you walk?"

Loki nods and stands up. You help Loki walk to the Avengers. 

"Alright, now that we have Loki let's go take care of HYDRA," Steve says once he sees you and Loki.

"About that... I kinda destroyed the place and everyone in it..."

"How?" Stark asks.

"I don't know... I just kinda did." 

"Enough talking. Let's get back," Natasha says rationally. 

"Good idea," you comment, walking Loki into the jet.

"Darling I don't need help walking," Loki says dryly.

"Sorry," you say while letting go of Loki.

Loki sits down and you sit next to him.

"Thank you, love," Loki whispers in your ear.

"Of course."

"Are you ok?" Loki asks.

"I should be asking you that..."

"You look like you haven't eaten or slept."

Just as you're about to deny it Natasha cuts in, 

"She hasn't."

You growl at her. Loki looks at you worriedly.

"I'm fine," you claim.

"You can't lie to me. I'm the god of lies."

You sigh.

"I'm doing better than you... Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"You can't lie to me. I'm dating the god of lies."

Loki rolls his eyes but smiles a little. Once you're at the tower you and Loki eat enough food to feed a large army. 

"You two have to go to bed. You both have medical exams in the morning," Stark says once you're done eating. 

"Why me?" you inquire.

"You starved yourself for a week. I want to make sure you're ok."

You nod accepting his answer.

"Now go to bed," Stark commands.

You and Loki walk to your room.

"You should shower, Loki. You're covered in blood."

Loki nods.

"That's probably a good idea."

Loki heads to his room and showers. While Loki's gone you decide you should probably shower as well. Once you're both done you end up falling asleep in Loki's arms.

In the morning Stark knocks on your door. 

"Who is it?!"

"It's time for your medical exams."

You groan and get out of bed pulling Loki with you.

"Was that really necessary?" Loki asks annoyed.


You, Loki, and Stark all head to the medical bay. Once there you and Loki go to separate rooms to be examined. 

"I have some good news and some bad news," the doctor tells you once she's done.

"Bad news first."

"You're infertile..."

You just sit there shocked.

"And the good," you manage to get out.

"There's no other permanent damage."

You nod. Loki walks in.

"Is everything alright?" Loki inquires after seeing your horrified expression.

"Loki, how badly do you want kids?"

"I-I've wanted kids my whole life... I want to be a better father than Odin... To love and care for them... Why?"

You gulp.

"I'm infertile."


"One of the guys at the HYDRA base shocked me... I guess that's why..."

"We're over," Loki informs you.

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant