Back on Midgard

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You were at the Avengers base. The whole team walked up to you as soon as you entered.

"How was Asgard," Steve asks.

"It was good," you answer, "I became a duchess whatever that is."

"Darling, it's a very high honor. It's a step below a princess," Loki informs you.

"Wow," you exclaim.

Stark pretends to bow. You roll your eyes.

"(Y/n), we really need to talk," Loki announces.

You look at him confused. This was the first time he called you by your name and not some pet name.

"Is something wrong?"

Loki sighs.

"Something happened during the fire demons attack."

You nod and walk off with Loki to your room. You sit down on the bed and so does Loki.

"Darling, we don't know exactly what happened but the baby didn't make it. I'm sorry," Loki informs you quietly.

You sigh.

"I-I don't I-"

Loki wraps his arms around you.

"I'm so sorry darling. I should have been there."

"Loki, this isn't your fault," you tell him firmly.

"It is. I should have gone with you to check on the baby."

Loki looks at the ground. You place a finger under his chin and tilt it up.

"No. It. Wasn't. Your. Fault."

You kiss Loki for the first time since him. Loki pulls away quickly.

"I love you, Loki."

Loki pulls you closer to him.

"I love you too. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you again."

"Loki, I wasn't ready for a child of my own..."

"But, you got pregnant originally because I wasn't there. I wasn't there to protect you."

You kiss Loki's forehead.

"Loki, you punished Oliver."

"I love you, (Y/n). I don't know what I would do without you"

"I love you too. Hopefully, you won't ever find out. Would it cheer you up to go visit Oliver?"

"Hm, I think it would," Loki answers in an alarming tone.

He smiles like a psychopath.

"I think the would make me feel much better."

You roll your eyes and free yourself from his grasp. You pull Loki up.

"Come on."

"You aren't coming," Loki commands.

You scoff.

"Yes, I am. You aren't the boss of me."

Loki rolls his eyes. You walk out your door and Nat's standing there. She glares at Loki.

"You're right. You should have been there both times."

"Natasha, it wasn't his fault."

"Fine, I'll talk to him later."

Nat walks away.

"Oh my..."

You and Loki walk to Oliver's cell. Oliver is sitting in a pool of his own blood. He has bruises and cuts everywhere. He looks dead but his chest is moving slightly. You gasp at the sight.

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon