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Trigger warning: Rape and torture.


 You were curled up with Loki on your favorite couch each of you reading a different book. 

"I have to go shopping later," you announce

"Can I come?"

"I'm just going grocery shopping, you can come if you want to."

Loki hates grocery shopping but you know he would go if you wanted him to.

"Do you want me to?" Loki questions.

"You don't have to."

"I'll let you shop without me this time."


You get up.

"I thought you said later," Loki whines.

"I figured I should do it sooner rather than later."

Loki groans. You roll your eyes.

"What?" You ask with a little bit of a laugh.

"Nothing. Go ahead, dear."

"Alright... I'm gonna go change, is there any way you can see if the team needs anything that isn't on the list while I do that?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

"Uh-huh," Loki says, sounding bored.

You go to your room and get ready to go to the store. You come downstairs and Loki hands an updated shopping list.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, love."

You kiss Loki's cheek. You grab keys from the section on the key rack that is approved for the other Avengers to drive. You get to the store and start shopping. Someone pulls on your shirt. You turn around and there's a little girl who looks terrified.

"What's wrong?" you ask softly.

"These guys were trying to take me away," she says quietly.

"Where are your Mommy and Daddy?"

"The bad guys have them," she says with tears in her eyes.

"Can you show me where they are?" you question.


She grabs your hand and leads you to an alleyway. Four guys were surrounding two people. You assumed these were the girl's parents. 

"What's going on here?" you ask with a hint of sarcasm.

"Nothing of any concern to you," one of the guys' answers.

You sigh.

"I don't feel like fighting... Please just let them go."

"No," the same guy who answered you earlier replied.

You try to use your powers but nothing happens.

"That's strange," you mutter.

You walk up to the guys. You kick one of the guys in the face. The girl tugs on your shirt again. You turn around keeping your guard up. 

"Go inside!" you command

The girl jabs you in the thigh with a needle. Suddenly everything is spinning and the world goes black.

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now