The Other Avengers

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Thor carefully leads you outside. Loki scoffs and rolls his eyes when he sees you two.

"Took you long enough," Loki says annoyed.

"Did you even actually try with her? Or did you just sit there on your ass like always?"

"Sorry, I guess I just needed my big brother to swoop in and save the day like he always does. Odin would be so proud of you, is that what you want to hear?" Loki says venomously

You inch away from Thor a little. Thor rolls his eyes.

"Can you get over yourself long enough for us to get her back to the tower?" Thor asks clearly done with Loki.

"Oh, yeah, of course, sorry I didn't realize you were in a hurry to get back to the tower so you could show off your new prize and flaunt your victory. Don't let me get in the way of your party," Loki spits, before walking past you and Thor walking towards a large building.

"Loki! Are you seriously going to walk because you got your little feelings hurt?"

Loki just keeps walking, ignoring Thor.

"Loki, that will take you at least thirty minutes to run!"

Loki just keeps walking. Thor rolls his eyes.

"Come on, let's get you to the car," Thor says softly, much calmer with you.

Thor leads you to a black SUV. He helps you get in the back.

"Thank you, sir," you say quietly.

"You don't have to call me that. Call me Thor, ok?"

You nod your head. "Yes, s-Thor."

Thor smiles. He gets in the front and drives. Once he parks he gets out and gets your door. You look up at the huge tower in front of you in awe. Thor chuckles as he watches you.

"Come on let's go inside so you can meet the others," Thor says.

You nod and follow him obediently. You look around in awe. Everything was so big and nice. You didn't even know what half the things in the room were. You wanted to ask but you didn't want Thor to be mad at you so you kept your mouth shut. Thor has a conversation with someone at a desk but you miss it too busy looking around the beautiful room.

"Come on, (Y/n)," Thor says, taking your hand.

Thor leads you to an elevator. You keep your head down while you wait for the elevator to reach its destination.

"I apologize again for Loki. I don't know what's wrong with him."

"It's alright," you say because you know it's the thing you're supposed to say.

Thor smiles softly at you. The elevator dings and the doors open to reveal a cozy-looking living room. You keep your eyes trained on the ground. You knew you were destined for a cell there was no reason to get your hopes up. Loki was right... Thor leads you into the middle of the living room.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., please summon the others!" Thor shouts.

"Yes, sir, but you don't have to yell. My audio receptors probably work better than your ears," the walls answer.

You jump startled and ice starts to grow around your feet. The elevator dings and five people step out.

"Is this the little thing who was causing so much trouble downtown?" one of them asks, you thought you recognized him from the TV. His name was Stank or something like that.

"Stark, be nice," another one scolds. He was big and muscular and was wearing a red, white, and blue suit.

'Stark, that was his name,' you think to yourself.

"Uh, not that I'm complaining but where's Loki?" another one asks. He was blonde like the second guy but not as big. He was wearing some kind of armor and sunglasses. And was that a bow on his back?

Thor chuckles before answering, "Loki decided to storm off so he's walking back. Anyway, this is (Y/n)!"

"Hello, (Y/n), my name is Natasha," Natasha says smiling at you a little.

The ice around your feet starts to grow, nervous about all the people in the room. The elevator dings again and Loki steps out smiling cockily.

"Hello, dear brother, did you miss me? Aw, are you already showing off your new toy? Don't let me get in the way of your demonstration."

"Loki, how did you get back so quickly?" Thor asks.

"I am the god of mischief, I have a few tricks up my sleeves," Loki says.

Thor rolls his eyes.

"Why don't you go brute in your room?"

"What, am I not allowed to stay for your little show-and-tell?" Loki snides

"Guys..." the guy who hadn't spoken yet says quietly when he notices the growing ice.

Loki and Thor both look at the guy in the purple shirt before looking at you.

"Let me handle it," Loki says.

"Oh, yeah cause you did so great last time!" Thor booms.

While they argue Natasha walks up to you and helps you calm down.

"Boys, it's been handled," she announces, effectively shutting them up.

"Looks like your pet has picked a new owner," Loki mocks.

"Loki..." Thor says warningly.

Loki smirks and walks away. Thor rolls his eyes.

"Sorry about him, (Y/n), he's a jerk and he doesn't really mean anything he's saying, he just wants to get under my skin," Thor says.

"It's ok," you say quietly.

"Anyway, (Y/n), meet the Avengers! That's Steve Rodgers or Captain America, he's kinda the leader around here. That's Tony Stark or Iron Man, he pretty much pays for everything. You've already met Natasha. That's Clint Barton or Hawkeye, he's really good with a bow. And last but not least that's Bruce Banner, he turns into a big green rage monster when he's angry," Thor says pointing at each Avenger.

"Hi," you mumble trying to please Thor so you don't get punished.

Everyone says hi in their own way.

"I'll take you to your room, (Y/n)," Thor says.

You nod and let him lead you to an empty room.

"This will be your room. Pepper, Tony's girlfriend, will hopefully be able to get you clothes tomorrow but for now, I'm sure Natasha has something you can borrow to change into. If you need anything else let me know. Um, there's a bathroom attached to the room with a bathtub and a shower, I think there's already shampoo and stuff in there so if you want to shower feel free to. I'll go ask Lady Natasha about clothes for you," Thor says smiling before walking off to do just that.

Loki walks up to you.

"Idiots," Loki says.

You don't say anything and just stand outside of the door to the room where Thor left you looking at the ground.

"You can meet my eyes, despite what everyone in this stupid tower will tell you, I won't hurt you," Loki says.

You look up into his emerald eyes. Loki smiles softly. He would beat Thor at his own damn game. He would win the girl.

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