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You and Loki are reading in the common room. 

"Loki, tomorrow is Easter and I have to go to my parents' house. My whole family will be there. You're welcome to come but you don't have to," you inform Loki.

Loki sets his book down beside himself.

"I'd be happy to go and meet the rest of your family."

You nod.

"Thank you, Loki."

"Of course, love."

Next day

You and Loki had just arrived at your parents' house. You get out of the car and walk to the door. You knock. Your mom answers the door.

"Hello, (Y/n)!"

"Hi, mom."

"Come in."

You do as your mom instructed pulling Loki with you. Your cousin runs up to you and hugs you.

"It's been so long. How was studying in London?" your cousin questions. 

You nod.

"It has. I'll tell the whole family about it later I promise," you answer.

She notices Loki.

"Is that that the guy who attacked New York?" your cousin asked, concern lacing her tone.

"Yes but don't worry he's a good guy."

"How do you know him?"

"He's a friend from work."

"Why is he here?" she questions.

"He wanted to meet my family."

"You know I can hear you right?" Loki butts in.

You kiss Loki's cheek.

"Sorry, Loki."

"It's alright, love. Carry on."

"Loki this is Charlotte, my cousin."

Loki shakes Charlotte's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Charlotte," Loki says kindly.

"Is he single?" Charlotte whispers in your ear.

"No, he's mine," you whisper back.

Charlotte flashes Loki a smile and walks away to go talk to other relatives. 

"Sorry, Loki."

Loki smiles at you.

"It's alright, I don't mind."

Your grandpa walks up to you.

"Hi, grandpa."

"Who's that?" your grandpa asks, pointing at Loki.

"That is my boyfriend Loki."

"The guy who attacked New York? What have I told you about dating villains? It never works out. He's a monster. They love ya and leave ya."

You roll your eyes and move closer to Loki.

"Loki is not a villain and he's defiantly not a monster. When he attacked New York he was being controlled."

"Didn't he try to kill his brother? Many times?"

You clear your throat.

"Yes, but he hasn't done that recently... He's changed..."

Your grandpa nods.

"Whatever you say, sweetpea."

You sigh as your grandpa walks away.

"I can't wait for lunch," you grumble.

"Lunch's ready," your uncle announces.

You pull Loki into the dining room and sit down. Loki glares at you for not letting him get your chair. You chuckle.

"Sorry, Loki. Next time I promise."

Loki sits down next to you with a sigh.

"It's alright, love."

"So (Y/n) your mom tells me you have a boyfriend?" your uncle says.

You nod.

"He's right here," you say pointing to Loki.

You get all the food you can eat (Which is a lot since your Asgardian.). After dinner, your family gathers in the living room. They begin to go around the room telling each other what's happened since they last saw each other. When it's your turn you do your best, to sum up, what happened to you.

"Wow, it doesn't sound like you had a good time in London," your great aunt says when you finish.

"I never got to go to London but it's all over now," you say with a small smile.

"We're glad you're safe now," your grandma says.

You look at your watch.

"We should probably go. Thank you all."

You say your goodbyes and head back to the tower.



Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to do an Easter chapter on Easter. I'm sorry if you don't celebrate. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you so so so so so so much for 1k reads. I never imagined this trash could have that many reads. Thank y'all. Love y'all!


Soooo I was gonna edit this and make her family more excited to see her but then I decided that was too much work so... I just added in a little part that hopefully makes it better...  

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