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Loki performs CPR on you and brings you back. You begin to cough. Loki pulls you to him.

"Good job you didn't let me die," (Y/n) says.

"Shut up!" Loki snaps.

You try to suppress your coughing. 

"Not you, love," Loki says softly.

"Then who?" you cough.

"You," Loki says.

You look up at Loki confused. Loki shrugs and pulls you closer.

"I love you, Loki," you say.

"I love you too," Loki responds.

Loki smiles at you. 

"Love, what happened yesterday?" Loki asks.

"I-I don't know. I got to the bar and you were sitting there in a daze. This woman was all over you... She asked if I was the "soon-to-be-ex". She then tried to take you. I don't know what she did to you. She also said that we were in grave danger," you say.

"I think she put something in my drink," Loki says.

"Oh my gosh! Loki you've got shrapnel in your shoulder!" you exclaim.

"Don't worry about it," Loki says.

Loki pulls the shrapnel from his shoulder.

"Loki you idiot!" (Y/n) shouts.

"It'll be fine," Loki says.

"Loki, who are you talking to?" you ask.

"I-I think I'm hallucinating. It must be because of the drug that woman gave me," Loki says.

You kiss Loki softly. 

"I'm sorry about Liam," Loki says.

You stroke Loki's cheek.

"It's ok... Last night I thought you were out of my reach... That you had moved on," you admit quietly.

"The only reason she called you my "soon-to-be-ex" is because I thought you were gonna break up with me," Loki says softly. 

Armed soldiers begin to pour into the room.



That's where I'm gonna leave it. Sorry, it was so short. I feel like I keep promising longer chapters and then never delivering, so would y'all prefer shorter chapters more often or longer ones less frequent? Please comment your opinion. Thanks for reading. Love y'all!

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