Looking for Loki

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You wake up without Loki. You look around the room. Usually, if you fall asleep with Loki he doesn't leave until you wake up. You find that the window is broken. You walk up and investigate. There's blood on the floor.  You decide you'll ask Loki about it later. You get out of bed and get ready for the day. You walk to the kitchen and start making breakfast.

"Mm, that smells good. What are you making," Stark asks.

"French toast."

"Have you seen reindeer games?" 


"That's strange. Let me know if you see him and come and get me when breakfast is ready."

"I will."

"Thanks, kid." 

"You're welcome."

Tony walks off. You sigh and continue cooking. 'I wonder where Loki is...'  You finish cooking and plate the food.

"J.A.R.V.I.S can you please have all of the Avengers gather for breakfast?"

"Yes, miss," the A.I replies.

"Thank you."

All of the Avengers walk ina take a plate. 

"Where's Loki," you ask.

They all shrug and sit down. 

"I think he might have gone to a library he said something about this place not having enough books," Thor says. 

You nod and eat with the team them Nat asks if you'd like to train.

"Sure. I'd be happy too."

"Great, meet me in the training room in ten."

You nod and go to your room to change. You put on a tank top and yoga pants. You pull your (h/l) hair into a ponytail then head to the training room.


"Hi, Nat..."

"Are you ready?"

You nod and take your position in the ring.


You and Natasha start sparing. You have her pinned but just as you're about to win she flips you and wins. 

"Dang it!"

She chuckles and releases you.

"Better luck next time."

You stand up and take your position again. Natasha does the same.


You nod and begin sparring Natasha again. You beat her. You continue to spar each other until Natasha decides it's time to train with weapons. 

"I think you should work on your shooting (Y/n)."

"Yeah... I agree."

She hands you a .22 long rifle.

"You are going to need to know how to shoot all kinds of guns. You never know what you'll have. Do you know how to shoot and reload it?"


She takes you to the shooting range part of the training room. You get in the bullseye and in the circle around it every time. 

"Good job (Y/n). You can still improve more though. You should shoot more often."


"More sparing?"


You and Natasha head to the ring again. You spar until you can barely move. 

"Good job today (Y/n)."

"Thank you."

She nods and you limp back to your room for a shower. After your shower, you put on fresh clothes and go find Thor.

"Has your brother returned?"

"I don't know. Sorry lady (Y/n). You might look for him," Thor booms.

You nod and leave to go find Loki. You look all over for him and end up back at your room at the broken window. You look outside the window. You gasp. Your eyes go wide at the sight. You want to scream. There laying on the ground was a very familiar corpse.



Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can't believe I have 450 reads. Thank y'all so much. Love y'all!

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