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After dinner, Frigga wanted to check on your pregnancy. She took you to the healing wing and back to the same room you were in before. She examed you.

"Everything looks good." 


Suddenly there was a loud bang then screaming.  You create an ice dagger. Frigga draws a dagger. The door combusts into flames. You put out the fire with snow. A fire demon bursts through the door. He tries to get to Frigga but you block his path. You cover him in ice.  

"What do they want," you ask.

"I don't know..." 

Three more demons burst in. You freeze them. You kick all four and they shatter. A demon comes from behind and grabs Frigga. Frigga tries to stab her but the dagger melts on contact. 

"Don't come closer or I'll kill her," the demon threatens.

You chuckle. You try to freeze her but your powers don't work due to the extremely hot room. You jump onto her. The contact burns but you have to save Frigga. You wrap your arms around her neck. You strangle her. She breaks free from your hold and throws you on the ground. You land on your butt. You get up. She draws a fire sword. She tries to stab you but you roll away. She tries to stab you again you move away again but the sword still slices your arm. You can hear your skin searing. You grab Frigga and take her out of the room. Once you're out you turn around and freeze the demon.

"That was close." 

Four fire demons surround you and Frigga. 

"I spoke too soon." 

You stomp on the ground and icicles come from the ground piercing all of the demons surrounding you. You create another ice dagger as six more demons approach. 

"Would it be too much to ask for an ice dagger," Frigga asks.

You create another one and hand them both to Frigga. You and Frigga get back to back and start fighting the demons. One of them slices your side open. You grumble and freeze him. You make it start snowing so all the fire the demons create is instantly put out. You turn your head to make sure Frigga's still alright. She's fighting just like Loki. You can't help but smile. You turn back to the demons. You freeze another group of them. You know that soon your magic will give out but you have to keep going. You freeze the remaining demons and they finally stop coming. You sigh in relief then everything goes black. 


You wake up and you're in a bed in the healing wing. You open your eyes to a very angry and unkempt looking Loki sitting on the chair by the bed. You look at him confused. 


"You could have killed yourself!" 

"But I didn't." 

"Just don't push yourself so far next time..." 

"I didn't know that would happen..." 

"This is the first time?" 

"Yeah... I think it might have been me trying to use my power in the heat..." 

Loki sighs and stands up he walks over to you and kisses your forehead. 

"I'm glad your alright darling."

"How's Frigga?" 

"She's alright. Just a few minor burns thanks to you." 

Just then Frigga walks in. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"Surprisingly ok... I could have sworn my arm was cut and so was my side..." 

Frigga smiles.

"I healed them." 

"Oh... How long have I been out?" 

"About a week," Loki says.

"A week!?" 

"Yes, dear." 

"We've gotta get back to Earth or Midgard whatever you wanna call it." 

Loki chuckles.

"We will leave tonight after dinner. Odin wanted to host a banquet to thank you for saving Frigga," Loki informs you.


"Yes (Y/n). And I would like to thank you for risking your life to save mine."

"What were they here for anyway?" 

"Well, they were just after gold." 


"Now then we've got to get you ready for the banquet." 

"Yes, ma'am." 

You stand up and Frigga leads you away much to Loki's dismay. Frigga and some maids help you get ready for the banquet. Loki knocks on your door.

"Come in." 

Loki walks in.

"Is there any way you lovely ladies would do me the honor of escorting you to dinner?" 

Loki offers you both an arm. You giggle placing your and on his arm. Frigga does the same. Loki leads you both to the dining hall. You enter the hall and there's a large crowd of people.

"Ah, our guest of honor has arrived," Odin announces. 

Everyone cheers. You, Loki and Frigga sit down with Loki of course pulling out both Frigga and (Y/n)'s chairs. Odin stands up.

"I'd like to thank lady (Y/n) for saving my dear wife Queen Frigga. I would also like to apologize for my previous behavior. As thanks for saving Frigga, I would like to make (Y/n) a duchess of Asgard. Do you accept?" 

You look at Loki confused. 

/Accept I'll explain later,/ Loki tells you telepathically

You nod your head.

"I accept and thank you for the honor," you announce.

"The honor is all mine." 

After that, a ton of food was brought out. Sadly after you finished eating you had to leave. You had grown rather fond of Frigga. But all good things must come to an end. So you said your goodbyes then headed to the Bi-frost. 



Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it. If you have ideas for the next chapter please comment or pm me. Love y'all!

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora