A Date

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A month had passed since you broke up with Loki. You spent all-day-everyday training as a distraction. You didn't want to deal with the breakup. Loki never left his room. Thor had to restrict his power because Loki kept trying to kill himself. Everything sharp had to be taken out of his room. You tried to keep Loki out of your head but every night he was there. You could hardly ever sleep. You were training with Nat.

"I have a blind date set up for you," Natasha announces while trying to axe kick your shoulder.

You're about to block her kick when she says this. You freeze.


"Yeah, tonight. He knows nothing about the Avengers or any of their enemies."


"He's a S.H.I.E.L.D agent he's been undercover in Africa. He knows nothing about what's happened while he was gone. Fury will tell him tomorrow... I thought it would help you move on."

You look at the ground with tears in your eyes. You nod your head slowly. Nat grins.

"Great, he'll pick you up at 8:00."

You nod.

"I'll let you go get ready."

"Ok, thanks," you say softly.

You walk to your room. You hear Loki throw something in his room. It makes your heart wrench. You haven't seen him since you dumped him.

"I'm so sorry," you whisper under your breath.

Loki screams in pain. You weren't sure if it was emotional or physical but it made you cry none the less. You wanted to run to him but you knew you were the stupid one who did this. You walked to your room and got ready for your date. You didn't dress cute or even put on makeup. You just threw on a longish dress and some sandals. You were ready at exactly 7:55, you walk downstairs to wait for your date.


Thor walks into Loki's room with food.

"You have to eat," Thor says uncharacteristically quiet.

"How is she?" Loki asks a little afraid of the answer.

"She has a date tonight," Thor admits softly.

Loki grabs the tray of food and throws it across the room. Loki screams.

"Give me my dagger!" Loki commands.

"No, Loki. I will not allow you to kill yourself."

"Fine then get me some more Asgardian alcohol."

"Loki you can't live the rest of your life drunk."

"She was my life... but I messed that up! I mess everything up! Don't you understand! I'm a monster! Inside and out!" Loki cries out.


"No! If you don't have alcohol then go."

"I will be back..."

"With alcohol?"


Thor walks out of Loki's room.


Your date is waiting by the entrance of the tower. He smiles and walks up to you.

 He smiles and walks up to you

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(Your date. If you know him as The Phantom Of The Opera or Gerry you have my respect ehehehe.)

"Hello, you must be (Y/n). I'm Liam."

You shake his hand.

"Yup, that's me. It's nice to meet you," you greet.

"Are you ready to go?" he questions.

"Yeah... is it ok if we take separate cars?"

"Of course. I made reservations at (f/r). I'll meet you there."

You nod and "steal" one of Starks cars. You fight back tears as you drive. Once you arrive at the restaurant you wipe the tears from your eyes and find your date again. Once you're seated he tries to strike up a conversation.

"Have you been in love before?" he asks.

"I think I still am if I'm honest."

"How serious was the relationship?"

"We were engaged," you say fighting back tears.

"How long ago was this?"

"I broke up with him a month ago..."

"May I ask, why?"

"He... he lied about something very important to me," you say as a few tears fall.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's alright... I'll get over it eventually," you say wiping the tears away.

"What do you do for a living?" Liam asks trying to lighten the mood.

"This is gonna sound crazy, I fight crime."

"I do too."

"I know what you do. Natasha told me... What did Fury have you doing in Africa?"

"It was nothing but a wild goose chase."

You nod.

"I'm sorry... I-I can't do this..."

"It's alright," Liam says kindly.

"Thank you for this but I'm just not ready yet..."

"You're welcome. Call me if you want to try again."

You walk out and drive back to the tower. You walk to your room luckily not running into anyone. You're about to open your door.

"How was your date?" Loki asks with a surprising lack of venom.

You decide to ignore his question. You aren't strong enough to talk to him yet. You walk into your room.

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now