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You took Loki to the roof of the building. It was decorated like his favorite place in Asgard. His mother's gardens. His jaw dropped as soon as you opened the door. He gasped.

"Do you like it," you ask nervously.

"Darling, I love it. Thank you so much."

You smile.

"I'm glad you like it."

Loki smiles back at you. You lead Loki to a table in the middle. The chefs come out with food from Asgard.

"I had Thor go to Asgard and get me the recipe for your favorite food." 

Loki's eyes light up at the food before him.

"Wow, this is wonderful."

Loki smiles at you.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Loki."

You start eating so does Loki.

"This is so good. Thank you, darling."

"You're welcome."

You and Loki finish your food and dessert comes out. You and Loki eat dessert as well.

"Present time," you announce.

"I don't need anything."

"That's ridiculous. Stand up."

Loki does as he's told. You pull out a little box and kneel before Loki. You open the box to reveal two matching rings.  

"Loki these are promise rings. I love you so much and I'd someday I'd you to be mine."

"Aw, darling I love you too. And one day I will be but I'm supposed to be the one doing this."

You take a ring out the box and slide it onto Loki's ring finger. Loki takes the other ring and does the same. You hug Loki. The whole team except Clint walks out onto the roof.

"Hate to ruin the moment but we've gotta go on a mission," Tony announces.

"Do we have to go," You whine.

"No, we just have to take off from here."

"Oh ok..."

Thor summons Mjölnir but it slips out of his hand. Loki laughs.

"Loki," Clint yells.

Loki laughs more. Clint comes out onto the roof.

"Where are all of bows and arrows! They're all Nerf!"

"They'll all be back to normal tomorrow," Loki snickers.          

"I can't fight like this!"

"Alright fine I'll change all of your weapons back."

Loki does as he said he was going to. The Avengers leave.

"Miss (L/n) someone is here," J.A.R.V.I.S announces.

Loki changes into his armor using magic. You form ice daggers and head downstairs. You stop when you see who it is.

"Mom! Dad! (S/n)!" you yell, with tears in your eyes.

You run and hug them all. 

"I've missed you all so much," you cry.

"We missed you too," they all say, crying just as much as you are.

Loki changes his clothes back and sneaks away.

"Darling, I think it's time we tell you about your true heritage,"  your Dad says softly.

You nod your head a little confused.

"Come on let's sit down."

You and your family sit down on a couch. You sit between your Mom and sister.

"Honey, your adopted... When you were a child you were sent to Earth with your memory wiped. You're originally from Asgard. You have powers because you were cursed when you were a child. Your parents were in a lot of trouble with Odin," you Dad tell you, softly.

"But we love you no matter where you're from or who your biological parents are," your Mom coos.

"So I'm Asgardian?" you ask.

Your parents' nod.

"I-" you cut yourself off.

"(Y/n) we love you," your sister says.

"I love you guys too," you respond.

"I'm sorry," your mom says.

"I-it's alright."

"Alright, what happened after you were taken?" your Mom questions.

"I was beaten and injected with experimental serums. Basically, if they had something they needed to be tested it was tested on me. I escaped Loki found me. I was kidnapped and beaten again. I got pregnant I lost the child during a fight on Asgard," you answer.

"Wow, I almost had a grandchild? Who was the father?" your Dad asks.

"Oliver Johnson... the baby was an accident," you say quietly.

"Is Oliver your boyfriend?" your sister asks.

"No, what happened that night was not my choice," you answer, choking back tears.

You Mom gasps in horror and your Dad jumps off the couch in anger.

"You were raped?" your sister asks, questions.

"Yes," you answer, softly.

"Where is he?" your Dad demands.

"He got a horrid punishment. I honestly wish it wasn't so bad," you answer.

"What is his punishment?" Mom asks.

"He lives through what he did to me every day," you answer.

"How does that work?" (S/n) asks.

"Loki's magic," you answer, softly.

"The same Loki that attacked New York?" Dad questions.

"Yes, but it wasn't his fault," you answer.

"Why would Loki punish Oliver?" (S/n) questions.

"He's my boyfriend," you answer, with a soft smile.

"Then we have to meet him," (S/n) demands.

"I don't know about that," you answer.

"(Y/n) come on," Mom pleads.

"Alright, wait here I'll go get him," you give in.

You find Loki and return with him.

"This is Loki. Loki this is my family," you introduce.

You spend the night with your family at the end of the night they leave and you promise to visit soon. Loki walks you to your room. 

"Stay with me?" you ask.

"Are you sure?" Loki questions.

You nod and Loki climbs into bed beside you.

"Thank you for everything today, love," Loki coos.

"You're welcome, Loki. Happy birthday. Sorry, we got interrupted. Thank you for letting me catch up with my family," you answer.

"It's not your fault, love. Of course," Loki responds.

Loki kisses your forehead. You fall asleep curled around Loki.

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