That was until my watch beeped. I looked down at my watch.

"Oh Fuck! I forgot I have to work today."

I quickly ran up the stairs to my bedroom and grabbed my clothes. Quickly changed out of my comfy Pajamas and into a more formal outfit fixed my hair into a messy bun grabbed my papers and ran down the flight of stairs. Shut my door and locked it with a key and got in my black Honda Civic Sedan and floored it out of there. I'd made it just in time!

Getting out of the car I pressed the button on my key to lock it and ran to my office nearly tripping with my high heels on.


It had been a bit tiring... Hearing everyone's problems. Today I talked to a man named Jason Voorhees. He didn't talk at all which I expected based on his files. But one surprising thing is that he pointed to me and nodded his head. I guess it was because I was completely comfortable talking to the killer who was strapped in to his seat. It's not like I cared if I died anyway.

This world is hella horrible. Some of these murderers could've been normal human beings if somebody didn't do something traumatic to them. I hugged myself feeling down after reading his whole case file and his background information. I quickly shook it off.

"You can't let your patients way down on your conscious, Y/n! Smile and hope that you are changing the world. No matter how shitty it is... We still call it home."

I felt someone's stare on me and I froze and turned to look in the direction I felt it... Gone... That stare felt a little bit different. More robotic and not analytical and intense.

"Michael? Anyone on staff? Jason? Wait... Why did I just say Jason? He wouldn't be out here to get me. I didn't feel any malicious intent whatsoever but the air did feel a bit wierd. Oh well, maybe it's exhaustion getting to me."

I sighed and got back in my car. And drove back to my house where I tripped on the pavement because of my heels.

No Pov-

"Oh look Momma! It's the Pie Woman. Is she going to cook us into a pie?"

A little boy asked and pointed to me while crying. The lady quickly pulled her son away and smacked me with her purse in the face.

"Stay away from that witch! Stay away from my Son you Bitch."

Y/n stood up and gave a backhand smack to her face.

"Look. Don't start nothing and there won't be anything. I can sue you because you just attacked me on my property, I even have the print on my face from your damn pocket book."

The lady let out a bitchy 'hmph!' And dragged her child away who was looking at me with a curious expression. Y/n got up and dusted herself off. Walking to her house she noticed she had a giant bruise on her knee. Y/n kicked off her heels and managed to catch them and placed them right beside the door and shut the door.

Going into the house she layed on the couch and relaxed again. Hugging a pillow up to her face and staring at the screen that played the horror movie The Nun. It was Hallow's Eve afterall so why not get into the spirit? Forgetting the door was unlocked she fell asleep on the couch cuddling her pillow. Not knowing that a certain killer was standing in front of her with a knife in his hand.

|The Devil Himself 🔪| Michael Myers x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz