Chapter 33: Discussing Hogwarts Houses, Gryffindor!: The Home of the Brave

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As Sophia and Riley continued to walk along the snowy path, Riley began to wonder about something, nearly worrying about it all day was eating away at her.

"Umm, hey sis-- what did Mr. Ollivander mean when he said that he was eager to see what path I choose?"

"Well, at Hogwarts there are four houses that you're likely to be placed in. There's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin"

"Whoa-- so that's what he meant by that,"


"and... their house elements and traits are Fire, Earth, Water, and Air-- in other words, they're the same as the pairing with the Zodiac Signs"

"Oh, now I understand but... which is which?"

"Oh, That's easy-- Gryffindor's is Fire, Hufflepuff's is Earth, Ravenclaws is Air, and Slytherin's is Water"

"... and the house traits?" Riley asked curiously.

"Oh" Sophia turned to her sister. "Hmmm, well... Gryffindors are as brave as lions, Slytherins are sly like snakes, Hufflepuffs are loyal like the humble badger, and Ravenclaws value intelligence like eagles."

"Huh?" Riley turned to her in confusion.

Sophia must have noticed because the next thing Riley knew- her sister began saying. "In other words, Gryffindor Traits and Strengths are that they are: very courageous, Gryffindors stand strong in the face of adversity and show bravery in everything they do".

"Hmmm... go on," Riley said, listening intently.

"They are also quite daring, Gryffindors aren't reluctant to put themselves in physical danger when they feel there's a good reason". She paused a bit before continuing. "They are very chivalrous, Gryffindors feel a strong sense of responsibility to protect the weak and will act nobly, putting others before themselves. This trait makes them highly charismatic and popular with others". She paused again, taking a breath. "... and finally. they have or tend to have a strong moral compass, Gryffindors tend to see the world as being split into right and wrong and will go to great lengths to pursue and defend the good while fighting the bad".

"Wow," Riley said in shock. "That house sounds awesome!"

"Yes Riley, but all the houses at Hogwarts have their weaknesses too"

"Pff... Gryffindor, Gryffindor sounds too cool to have any weaknesses"

"Oh, contra ire-- Gryffindors have weaknesses"

"Oh okay..." Riley said, still not believing her. 

Sophia continued. "Now then, the Gryffindor Weaknesses are as followed, Hot-headedness, they tend to be very hot-headed because they're so brave and daring, Gryffindors can also sometimes react instinctively and ignore logic, leading to them being hot-headed and occasionally short-tempered. Gryffindors can also tend to be a bit Reckless at times. That's in fact the next issue Gryffindors have Recklessness, In addition to being hot-headed, many Gryffindors can be reckless in the pursuit of their goals. This happens when their daring and courage are misused or taken too far".

"Oh..." Riley replied worriedly.

"... and the final weakness that Gryfinddors have is their Arrogance, Gryffindors tend to be popular, charismatic, and good at most things that they do. Because of this, some Gryffindors can develop inflated senses of themselves and become arrogant."

"Oh..." Riley said sadly. "Too bad for the Gryffindors"

"Yeah," her sister heaved a sigh. "Anyway, you want to hear about the other houses?"

"Sure!" Riley smiled excitedly.

"Okay," She said happily. "I'll tell you about Hufflepuff next, but later okay... after we finish that list of ours"

"Oh okay," they continued their walk together in silents.

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