Chapter 74: Praise and Acceptance

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After the potion she had chosen was completed. Riley saw the cauldron burst, letting out a blaze of blue fire erupt from the mighty cauldron's mouth.

I guess that means it's done, she thought. As she ladled it out and gently poured it into a special potions bottle.

Just then Professor Snape looked over, out of the corner of his eye. "Hmmm..." he cut the conversation with Dumbledore short as he walked in the direction of the girl curiously. "What are you doing to measly girl?" he snapped. Riley, looked up sharply slightly startled.

"M- me?" her voice shook, she insisted clamped her mouth shut after that mere word; feeling like a wounded animal at the mere intimation of Snape's presents.

Mmmm, Seems possible-- perhaps you're not completely incompetent" He started, looking over at her finished potion.

"Th- thank you, professor" Riley replied, voice small and sweet.

"Hmmm... if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were cheating"

"Cheating?" she shook her head, though she hung her head lower, refusing to look up at him.

"Hmmm... She's been getting help from Harry's sister, Harper"

"Harper? Snape, just because that girl was one of the best students in your class. What makes you think..." Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Simple, two girls with the exact sample condition. Appear to be on the Autism Spectrum-- both wind-up doing exceptionally well in my class."

"Hmmm... Severus, I can see why that would be shocking-- but Riley, a cheater? The young girl just found out about our world"

"Hmmm... True, I'll be keeping a very close eye on her" he replied, once he dismissed the young girl. Riley thanked him politely, then made a mad-dash out of the room hurriedly.

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