Chapter 19: Jack's Origin Story

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Everyone looked over at Jack, waiting eagerly. "Umm, what's to tell?" he shrugged.

"Why don't you start at very beginning" North suggested.

"The very beginning hmm..." he thought about it for a long time. "Very well" he sighed, taking a deep breath.

"Well, I was... just a normal kid, like you all; I had a family and a wonderful little sister-- whom I sometimes pulled pranks on along with some pranks on the neighborhood kids. I thought everything was great, until one day... I had just offered to teach her how to skate-- we walked outside making our way towards the small frozen lake near our house, after I had successfully helped her tie on her skates, I held her hand as she walked onto the ice, once she found her balance I walking back over to wait by the lakes' edge-- The plan was that she was going to try and skate towards me, but before she could the ice began to break up... I mean crack under her feet" he winced, remembering the day. Jack, I'm scared the voice rang in his ears like it did when Jamie first said that same thing.

Tearing up a bit Jack blinked, hurriedly whipping them away as he continued, or-- at least he tried too. "She, Emma cried out and this is what she said- J-- Ja- Jack, I- I- I'm s- sc- scar-" he stammered, tears he once tried hard to hold back were now flowing down his cheeks as he cried out.

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