Chapter 67: Riley Anderson's a Hidden Genius

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Making his way up the stairs slowly, he reached the headmasters office... nocking on the door, he waited before letting himself in. "Ummm, Professor..." he said, "You here?"

"Ah— Professor Flitwick, what brings you here?"

"Hmmm... it concerns one of my students sir..."

"Hmmm, which one?"

"The newest sir, Miss Riley Anderson"

"Hmm, yes— what about her?"

"Well, she preformed a spell today— without the use of a wand"

"Ahhh... and that spell usually requires a wand, yes?"

"Yes— it's the Wingardium Leviosa spell, and it does usually call for the use of a wand when preforming it"

"Oh... that must be some powerful magic" Dumbledore replied.

"Indeed, that's why I was wondering if we could simply move her up a level in her studies... at least for Charms"

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