Chapter 17: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Muggle Magic

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Following Professor Dumbledore, Sofia saw numerous rooms that she'd never noticed before. "Umm, professor?" she motioned.


"These rooms, what are they?"

"Huh? Oh-- just some extra rooms we don't need any more" they stopped at one large room. "Well, here we are now" he exclaimed as he led us in.

"Umm... professor, what is this room?"

"This is the room where we used to teach our Defense Against the Dark Arts classes"

"Used to?"

"Well, ever since Harry, Ron, and Hermione defeated Voldemort in that last battle we have no desire use for some of our classes anymore so in order to keep from going broke we had some of our rules altered a bit. So now only very few and... sometimes special Muggles and allowed in" he took a breath before continuing. "Anyways, here you are" he handed Jamie and Sophie two wands. "I ran to the shop in Diagon Alley and got these spare wands especially for you two," he told them.

"Wait, professor! How-" Sofia spoke: but he was already gone, leaving her to wonder if her coming here was as real a surprise as she thought.

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