Chapter 76: Budding Friendships

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Some minutes later, Riley heard someone mumbling outside. As the door to the common room opened Riley instantly hide her face as siloets of multiple figures entered the room.

"I- I- remember, th- this place" Riley, was surprised as she heard the familiar voice of Harry Potter's sister, Harper.

"Indeed, I remember it too" another sweet yet slightly smaller voice said.

"My bed!" Harper shouted, running over and sit down, coincidently her bed just so happened to have been right where Riley was hiding.

Riley murmured softly. Slowly peeking her head out from under the covers-- eyes widen at what she saw. Harry twin sister, Harper, was actually sitting on her bed. Slowly, but surely- Riley inched out of her hiding place more and more, feeling her confidence grow.

"Um... H- hi" she squeaked.

"H- hi," Harper replied, out of the corner of her eye.

"Snape told us what happened" a softer, much sweeter voice replied.

Riley said nothing, only starred at the other girl blankly. She was dressed in a dark blue dress and wore a handmade lion's head plus mane on her head.

"This is my friend, Luna Lovegood" Harper said quickly. Riley smiled politely though remained mute- not really wanting to talk with anyone.

"Riley, you're not alone" Luna replied, putting a hand on Riley's shoulders. Though, Riley said nothing— Luna could see it in her eyes that they said otherwise. Tears began to peek out through the slits of her eyes.

Luna sensing she had stuck a nerve, decided to change the subject greatly. "So... I see you like to do things rather creatively, me too" Riley looked up from what she was doing and nodded.

"Hmmm... I like that too" she smiled. "Have you heard of The Quiblbler?" Riley nodded again. "You know my father wrote it" she said. "I think you'd like it, has a long of different and unique stories"

Riley nodded in understanding. "I- I like Abnormal Psychology and animals"

"Hmmm..." she smiled at the mention of the word 'animals', but then asked. "What's Abnormal Psychology?" Riley starred in utter disbelief and shock; then proceeded to babble and devise this long lecture about the following subject.

As the lecture concluded, Luna smiled. "Got you talking" she continued to smile, utter satisfaction filling her veins.

just then, Harper piped up. "S- Snape's— a- a really great teacher- once you get to know him..." Riley sat, not making a sound; she wanted to reply but then another thing crept into her mind.

"Yo- your- brother's in Gryffindor house, isn't he?" Riley questioned rather shyly.

"Y- yes, h- he was?" Harper corrected.

Riley, who found herself warming up to Harper and Luna pressed on.

"So, Professor Snape got to you too— hmmm...?" Luna broke some silence. Riley nodded. "Been there" Luna confessed.

"N-n- not m-m- me" Harper squeaked. "I- I - was o- one of p- or- professor Sn- Snape's f- favorite students" Harper struggled to say.

"Harper" her friend scolded.

"What?" She shred away. "It- It's true, though" Harper said defensively.

"Hmmm..." Luna smiled, "Care of Magical Beast was my favorite class when I went here"

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