Chapter 68: Special Needs Boosterrockets!

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"Hmmm... Riley's a smart one, she is" he paused, stroking his beard lost in deep thought. "If you really think she's that smart, I'll be happy to move her up a level"

"Hmmm... I bet she'll be thrilled to hear this news" Flitwick sounded excited.

"Yes, yes—" the Headmaster replied. "It's no surprise to me that she's a Ravenclaw; now, go, go tell her the good news" he watched as Professor Flitwick turned on his heels and walked out of the room.

Once he walked back to his classroom, he smiled, finding his star pupil had been waiting at her desk just right where he had left her. She had been sitting there all that time, copying and minorizing every word of her textbook.

Blimey, isn't shu every smart he sighed, as he was about to tell her the good news; Just then, her sister walked by and came bursting in through the door.

"Hey, just wanted to inform you that positions class with Professor Snape starts in five..."

"Okay, just let me get my things--" Riley murmured, without looking up at her sis.

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