Chapter 35: The Pet Project Part One / Kitties, Owls, and Toad. Oh My!

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As they parted ways Riley heard her sister say: "See you later, I'll be back in a bit"

"M'kay" Riley shrugged, walking over to the snow-covered bench.

As she sat there patiently, she wondered what in the world the surprise could be.

Meanwhile, Sophia was having a hard time finding just the right pet for her sister. All around her she saw cats playing at her feet, while the owls sat pitifully in rusty, iron, and all-metal sized cages, which were placed at the front of the store. Some of the cats were in carriers while towards the back of the store sat the toads— a giant tank that housed basically over 20 to 30 toads.

Hmmm, which ones good enough for Riley Sophia pondered.

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