Chapter 77: Tearful Good-byes

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"Well, this has fun," Riley said after a while. "But— I'd think I'd better be going"

"Oh, do you have to?" Luna frowned, "We were having so much fun"

"Sorry..." Riley replied, looking down at her feet. "But I really have to go" she began to walk towards the door, though once she got to the exit her head turned slightly. "B- bye... I hope to see you again soon"

Once she exited the common room, she walked hurriedly to find her friends. She looked all over the castle until she came to the entrance to the only room she hadn't searched yet, The Great Hall, looking at the door wide, she hesitated knowing that if she were to go in it would surety be the worst experience of her life, although, what would it really matter now... she'd been masking for ages. Slowly, she prepared herself to open the massive door, she held up one arm towards the massive beast, with trembling hands she gripped the gilded handle: fingers twitching slightly. Taking a breath to steady herself, she opened the massive doors holding onto the thought that her pets were waiting for her back in the common room.

"There's our little savior" North waved.

"Hi guys," Riley smiled, once she sat down.

"You're just in time,we've thought of perfect plan to defeat Pitch"

" Hmmm... and what might that be?" She said calmly.

"Well— you know, Pitch doesn't even know we're here by know, so— I'm sure right now he thinks he's one" Riley simply nodded. "Though, we think he'll get wise eventually and follow us here; so until that day comes we figure we'll just hang out here... and patently wait... until BAMB we attack" Noth clapped his hand to simulate the BAMB effect. Jack chimed in noticing Riley's confusion, "It's a good plan Riley— we're in a safe place; he can't touch us here at the moment, plus you can still learn all sorts of spells"

Riley looked shocked, not knowing what to say she just stood up and left. Once she successfully passed though the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, she immediately saw two familiar figures still sitting on the bed, smiling, she walked closer to them cheerfully. "Hey Harper, Hey Luna!" She greeted.

"Hmmm..." they both turned their heads in the direction of the voice. "Riley!" Luna exclaimed joyfully. "You're back"

"Yep, apparently the plan that my friends and I are working on isn't going to take place for a little bit... I guess we're going to sort of ambush him; you know, let him think he's won and then when he least expects it BAMB we attack"

""Hmmm... Interesting" Luna replied, "Well... yay! That should give us plenty of time— umm, spend time with you"

Riley looked at her, utterly confused. "Wh- what? I thought this school was just for magical children?"

"it is" Luna replied sweetly, "but it's now made clearly by Dumbledore that once every year the parents of the magical children that go here are called so that they can further connect with their kids" Luna paused, looked about then whispered in Riley's ear. "So that what unfortunate thing that happened to Harry and Harper doesn't happen to us"

"Well that's... bitter sweet"

luna sighed, "It is, isn't it?"

Riley nodded slowly, "Opps, look at the time... I'd better head off to my second class of the day" she waved a fawned farewell to her new friends as she once again exited the common room.

Riley looked down at the tatted piece of parchment in her hands. "Now then, my next class is... transfigurations with Professor McGonagall" She looked up puzzled, "Hmmm... doesn't say which room number it is" in fact, none of the doors have numbers beside them. Hmmm, now how on earth am I going to find... she thought, then she had it! I'll just see if I can spot some helpful landmarks along the way. She smile to herself, happy she came up with a backup plan.

Slowly but surely she managed to find the right room. It was, as she counted, the third or fourth door on the right. Once she had found her confidence she casually strolled into the room, only to be met with the cold, angry eyes of the Professor, hands on her hips. "Glad you finally decided to join us, Ms. Anderson"

Riley didn't know what to say, "I'm- I'm sorry... I- I just, you- you see— there were no- no room numbers, you see... so- so I had to look for- l- landmarks"

"Landmarks, hmmm... well— it better not happen again"

"Yes, ma'am" she lowered her head in defeat. Unsure of what to she just went to her seat and silently cried.

"Now then class, today we're going to turn rats into water goblets"

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