Chapter 16: Muggle Magic

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"Awww, it's okay you little ankle-biter-- it was just a bit of magic gone wrong"



"I wanna learn magic!" Sophie chanted.

"Uhh--" Bunny turned, seeking help.

Dumbledore sighed, Sophie waited eagerly for an answer. "Looks like our rule about Muggles has been compromised once again"

"What do you mean professor?" Harry looked at him questioningly.

"I've no choice Harry-- you know what I said earlier"

"You said, sometimes we must choose between what is right and what is easy"


"But sir, what does that have to do with-"

"It wouldn't hurt to let someone teach them-"

"Teach them, professor?"

"Yes... It'd say, someone like Sofia"

"Oh... b- brilliant!"

"Yes well- what do you say Sof?"

"I'd say: that's a good idea" Harry looked at Sofia with a confused look. "Oh, I mean... It's a brilliant idea professor"

"Yes, perhaps we have a free room you could teach them in--" He racked his brain, thinking. Finally, he motioned for Sofia, Jamie, and Sophie to follow him as he began leading them down a hall separate from the big crowd.

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