Chapter 24: Off to Diagon Alley

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"It's okay..." Jack shrugged, "but now we really do need to think of a plan"

"A plan? First I think we should all go into town and get some of our friends armed" Dumbledore announced.

"You mean Diagon Alley?" asked Harry.

"Exactly" he replied, leading the gang down the hallway where he last left Sophia, 10-year-old Jamie, and his three-year-old sister Sophie.

Meanwhile back in the classroom Sophia sat at a big brown desk in the front of the room while Jamie and Sophie sat at two of the student desks in the front row facing the big brown one. "Okay guys" Sophia looked up from her book. "That's enough practicing for today, besides I think I hear someone coming" just then the big brown door opened.

"Sophia, I assume these muggle students of yours didn't cause you too much trouble"

"Not at all, Professor"

"Nope, we were good; besides Professor Sophia's the best" Jamie smiled.

"Mmm... Professor Sophia?"

"Sorry professor, I didn't mean to use your manicure"

"It's quite alright. but next time try Student-Teacher Anderson"

"Hmm... sound brilliantly brilliant"

"Anyway, I was thinking we should take your sister and all your Guardian friends to Diagon Alley... your sister's one year overdue for her first wand."

"... and the Guardians?"

"Well, you can never be too careful"

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