Chapter 49: Secret's Out

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"Gee, thanks" she turned to face the Slytherin boy with ice cold, dagger-piercing eyes.

"Excuse me, Miss Riley— But if that blonde-haired boy hadn't informed me when he did... there was bond to be some bad consequences that were bound to happen""Yeah, but why did it have to be this boy in particular?" She questioned somewhat irritated. Security wishing that either her sister or at least one of the other's had figured it out first. At least then it would be just known among her close friends.

She angrily exited his office, she didn't have a chance to walk to far before she heard the loud thundering boom of the speaker. "Attention, may we have everyone come to The Great Hall for a special announcement"

"Oh— no" Riley mumbled. She was still slightly debating on whether she should go or not when out of nowhere her sister appeared. Apparently she was in a hurry— running fast towards the girl.

Riley slowly moved out of the way of her charging sister.

"Riley, there you are! I've been out looking for you everywhere— so what did the headmaster want?"

"Well, I-" she started. Before she could explain anything to her sister, Sophia grabbed Riley's hand; pulling her in the direction of The Great Hall.

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