Back in the US

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You are certainly wondering how Edison got from one country to another, without being noticed by the authorities? Well by teleportation of course !

 He returned to America discreetly, quietly, without making any noise, nobody in the streets of New York recognizes him because he was dressed like an old man, he had changed his appearance, his haircut, and his head was covered with a hood, he wanted to be alone and to rest. America was getting poorer before his eyes. He was certainly very tempted to resume his post as president but he was absolutely not in the condition to do so because he had been disconnected from the world for several months.He watched precariousness develop, inequality widened and crime increased, he was disappointed, was this the country he ruled and left? NO CERTAINLY NOT!He invested hundreds of bilions of dollars, to develop suburbs, housing, healthcare systems, he only needed a few months to retype America, it looks like it took less to destroy what he accomplished.Crime increases sharply, inter-community tensions are exacerbated, he did not understand how America went from first world power, model for the other countries, to country in crisis, with a record recession, negative growth, plunging purchase power. American liberalism shows its very wide limits, demonstration are happening everyday and often turn into confrontation with the police. People are angry not only against those in power and above all against indecent fortunes like businessmans and CEOs, So much so that hostage-taking has been carried out within large companies such as Amazon and Apple but also surprisingly television channels like Fox News, CNN, and One America News which have also been victims of attacks in their Respective HQ. 

For Edison it was too much!  He had to announce his presence and to call president Thompson. The president was stunned by the fact that Edison called him, obviously he did not mince his words with his ex-vp and explodes with anger despite his age: "You are an incompetent and what caught you to maintain the rumor of my deth?! All this to take power! I RELAUNCHED YOUR CAREER IN POLITICS,I WANTED TO HELP YOU BUT YOU'RE SO SELF OBSESSED THAT THE AMERICANS WANT YOUR RESIGNATION"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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