The team spirit

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The investigation resumes, with a simple objective: get to know who is trying to manipulate the campaign by hacking the medias, and after few days, the director of research announce to Edison who is the real responsible of hacking the LA Today and who is hiding behind this anonymous account who put this testimony back in the spotlight.

-Is it the same person who hacked, the LA today account and who revived this affair on social media? Said Edison

-Absolutely, the name of the person behind the account named G121dse is Robert Dubin, he is a professional hacker, and according to our sources he is also known to be an extreme left activist.

-Very interesting, do you have any information about his current job

-Well it is very hard to define it, we dont know if he is unemployed currently or if he works for a company, his only activity on social media is to state far left ideas and controversial opinions.

-You know the Democratic Party is well known to have a very big and powerful IT team that inspect social Medias 24/7, he could be a member of this team Can you work on this hypothesis sir because I think this could be very interesting?

-Great idea sir, were going to work on it and as soon as we have the answers well get back to you

-Thank you, I appreciate your job but please, we have to work quicker, because the vote is like in 1 month

-No problem, dont worry sir we will have the answer in 5 days maximum.


But Edison is not very serene because he is the third in the polls with 23% of vote intention, 40% for Cruise, 37% for Kennedy. And it is not the only reason for his concerns, because ego and tension are palpable in his campaign staff, and to make up for it, he organizes meetings, head to head with the members of the staff, to talk frankly and seriously about their thoughts, their worries, their problems and eventual disagreements or conflicts with other members. Edison is behaving like a sports team manager, by installing a proximity relationship between him and other employees, he is trying to build a united team.

Thats why that's why he spoke privately with his spokesperson, who seemed to be very worried about his future:

-You were overwhelmed by your emotions and it can happen, but you have a pressure, a responsibility here, of representing my voice to the press. Are you feeling not comfortable with your job?

-No, I like it but I feel I need more experience, even if I worked as a journalist before, I'm still feeling I'm too unexperienced to work with persons like Mrs. Zimmerman, or Mr. Thompson, who are pillars of politics here, but Im trying my best.

-You know these two people you cited me now, they said to me you had really great potential?

-Oh no they will never say that, they were even feeling angry against me after yesterday's press conference

-And they are right to be angry, because working with such demanding people will help you improve, and gaining experience, wasnt it what you are asking for?

-Yes sir

-I noticed the team wasnt as united as I thought when I talked to the other members of the staff, are you feeling that the team isnt working on the same wavelength?

-Frankly yes. There is a big gap between experienced and unexperienced members, and unfortunately, I feel the collaboration isnt going well, because for me they dont make enough effort to supervise the young people. Having individualities in a team is good but as long as they do not all serve a common purpose, the team will not be efficient. Its like a football team: you may have the best players in the world but as soon as there is no team spirit, this team will not achieve anything

-You're dead on right, thank you for sharing your opinion and your thoughts with me

-Oh no problem, thank you for listening to me, I know youre very busy now. Any news from the affair that I could transmit to the press?

-Yes we identified the individual who hacked the application of the LA Today, and I suspect him to be member of the democratic party IT team, so the investigation is still not 100% done, but we will have the answers in a few days

-Should I say anything to the press?

-Absolutely not! This must remain top secret, now if what I said to you is real, I will myself go to the HQ of the democrats and put the pressure on them, because they owe public apologies again if my accusations are proven.

-Yes sir, and please if you have anything to communicate to the press, please feel free to tell me.

The atmosphere in the team is less tense and more relax, each and every member of the team is trying to collaborate, to communicate, to reinforce the teambuilding, Edisons speech seem to be effective, and were feeling a real team spirit, the team seems to work in a much better way. Another decisive turning point in the campaign, with a new team, in fact Edison made strong choices by firing some disruptive element that were disturbing the team spirit. Thus he showed that he was not only a tolerant and patient man, but that he was a true leader, authoritarian, and respected, this way he make the team understand that what they were doing was a privilege.

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