Edison's Birthday

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Edison blows his 65th birthday with his family, Edison, an original man who recently married, and realizes that much of his life has already passed, and that for the moment his ultimate dream comes true. was still not reached, immortality a word that has been bothering him since he began his professional life. His presidential ambition came from his desire to give humankind the most incredible service in its history: to possess immortality and the ability to increase intelligence. A dream that haunts him and this desire reaches a threshold so important that his motivation and his energy invested in the campaign has doubled, one felt it inexhaustible, to the point even that in parallel with his campaign which is nevertheless very energy-consuming and time-consuming, he has resumed this work of scientific research, he has even been described by the people around him as "superman", but it is during this phase that the health problems begin for Edison: headaches to repetition, pain in kidneys, as well as at the heart level, he even came close to death as a victim of a cardiac arrest, which worried these voters, but at the same time heightened the enthusiasm around his campaign. Edison was coming back stronger than ever, ready to enter the battlefield. During the interviews we never felt so sharp, and never so incisive with his opponents. He has also invested heavily in his technology business, to recruit more, and to officially return among the major powers of the market. In a few months these profits increase by 20% and the sales keep increasing which has a positive influence on its popularity rating which passes to 20% of intentions of vote, it is more than 5% of the Cruise-Kennedy duo, who are preparing for the entrance of a formidable third protagonist who could rob them of their leaders' chair in the polls that could well turn into an ejection seat.    

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