Arrival at New York

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He arrived at the airport on tiptoe by the small door especially because of the famous case that had made him lose 25 years of his life if not more! Before returning to his home, he comes to visit his parents whom he has not seen for so many decades that he does not even remember the last time he met them. He arrives at the home of his parents and before crossing the door of the apartment he recognized the cries and tears of his mother and rushed to his bedside to ask him the reason for his sadness:

-Your father, your father ...

-He just passed away ...

- You are my pride my son

- That's what I feared ... He mumbled sobbing: his father had supported him enormously in all projects and often helped him in these experiments. The first loss of a loved one will be followed by another a few weeks later. Reason for death? Still unknown ... A tumultuous and emotionally trying month for the scientist.

Isaac Edison demanded that an investigation be opened to discover the cause of the death of his father but unfortunately his request did not give away ... But his determination has no limit so he decides to lead the investigation him even before he is buried he examines his corpse and discovers in amazement that his father was poisoned with arsenic! But who could have committed such a crime and for what reason? It is on these words that he decides to talk for a long time with his mother who reveals to him that his state of health was very reassuring these last weeks and that he worked normally without any constraint, it moved normally so nothing not normal. She just noted that for several weeks his moral health was at a low, lack of joy of life, your monotonous, no desire, contrary to his habit. She asked him what was wrong either he did not answer, or he did so but with unusual aggression. What to dig even more the fracture in the heart of the scientist ...

This version of the facts was for the scientist not very credible, the main triggers of the problem are missing the call: What contributed to the sudden change in his behavior? Would he commit suicide voluntarily or is it a crime and is planning? Later, the bad-lied inventor then tried to talk to other members of his family, but none of them responded favorably without giving any valid justification. Back to the wall he did not even think of getting married to have a little company, he does not really like women with whom he has lived quite tumultuous and electric adventures.

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