The press conference of the Edison's affair

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The advisors are back in front of Edison in the headquarters of the campaign in New York, Edison just can't believe what is happening to him:

- There is no logic at all in this world, the Twitter account and the application of the LA today were hacked and that's why, false information were published.

- The question is how you are going to announce it to the public, the media will pressure us, and we will lose credibility, said Zimmerman.

- For now, we say nothing, we have the information, our main focus is the campaign, and the interest of the American people is surely not their president's private life but what he can do to improve the situation of the country. Now I'm going to entrust this case to an IT team specialized in cyber-attacks and when we will know the truth 100%, we will reveal the responsible and American people will thank our honesty.

- Excellent idea sir, the thing is that our reaction should be quick, as Laura said this pressure of public opinion is very bad for us, for our popularity. Oh no my press conference is in 30 minutes damn! So my answer would be like: it is fake news, the interest of American people are the proposition of the president for the future of America and not his life and biography.

- I trust you, go for it, and remember not a word concerning our investigation, clear?

- Yes sir

The spokesperson advances in the arena to face the coming storm of questions, he opens the press conference:

- Hello Everyone, I just wanted to comment first on the affair published by the LA Today concerning our candidate Mr. Edison. On behalf of all the campaign staff, we are outraged given the bias of some media that do everything to destabilize in a disrespectful and outrageous way the campaign of a citizen. The demagogy isn't tolerated anymore in 2080 guys, so please respect the candidate, his privacy, and his fight for this country, and because spreading fake news is a kind of demagogy and partiality. Your role is to bring news and information in a simple, clear, concise and objective manner, and this role the federal government grants you shouldn't be used for political purposes. Questions?

- Did you deny the accusation of the girl who lodged a complaint of rape against Edison?

- Come on, The case was closed by the courts more than a decade ago, it was not me who made that decision, it was the outskirts of the justice system who judged that there were not enough concordant clues to charge Edison, you are questioning a court decision, as the spokesperson of the candidate I give facts, not irrelevant personal opinion

- And the testimony of the victim have you saw it, don't you think it's a new proof?

- I saw it, but again the justice didn't reopened the case, that means, at the moment Edison is still not accused for anything, and therefore his candidacy is legitimate and these accusations without faith nor law pollute terribly this campaign

- Is Edison planning to withdraw from the campaign?

- Of course not, these accusations don't disturb us in any way, we will continue the fight until the day of vote, now please ask questions that really interests American people because I guess they have bigger problems to solve right now.

- Is Edison planning to file a complaint for defamation

- I can't answer questions about private matters guys, this campaign has biggest stakes. For the last time are there any questions on other topics besides this case?

No answer from the journalists

- Guys you are disappointing me, the journalism is the essence of freedom of speech, journalists are supposed to be the voice of people, but it is clear that you aren't representing the public interest, but the private interest, the media today are no longer institutions, that inspires respect, they are neither respecting the readers by spreading fake news, nor the political personalities by attacking them on their private lives. Some of you should really be ashamed by their selves. I am glad to answer any question that interest the American people.

In these worlds he leaves the press conference room, and join again Thompson and Zimmerman visibly not very happy of the performance of Mc Carthy.

- Oh, it was a tiring press conference

- Yes, but now we are not in good terms with journalist, they will now say that we are attacking the press and consequently the freedom of speech, your monologue with the wasn't necessary at all, because it is not your role, said Thompson

- I understand what you're saying Mr. Vice president, I tried my best, I wanted to tell them that we respect the press organizations but that this case was a lack of respect towards the candidate

- You are still young, and unexperienced, you were overwhelmed by your emotions but when you are representing a candidate to the US presidency, it's really not acceptable to lose control, you must remain calm, not always telling all what's on your mind! Said Zimmerman

- So for you I totally failed my press conference right?! We don't even know how the media will interpret it! Said the spokesperson with nervousness and frustration, then he added: I am still 33 years old it's my first experience in this field, I appreciate your advices but please, I'll ask you to be a bit more patient with me, and trust my work while I'm still in office.

The tension are now increasing between the members of the campaign staff, a staff that seems divided between young and experienced, the two do not collaborate very well together in fact this staff contains a lot of ego, everyone wants a secure place in the future Edison's administration, because everyone knows he has a chance to be elected, but this affair widened the gap between the members of the team already filled with ego and division  

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