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Edison's relatives are shocked, they have the impression the Earth stopped turning. Edison's family is torn between, hope and distress, but first they have to announce these news to the hundreds of millions of supporters, and how are they going to do it?  No need, the media already discovered Edison's disappearance, and the rumor had already spread at an exponential speed, without being confirmed. Relatives of the President of the United States were in shock, and did not want to communicate anything, the hospital took care of it. When they left the hospital,a crowd of journalists were waiting for them, but didn't answer any question, and continued on their way back to home. 

They tried to call Edison on his phone, hundred of thousands of times, but still no answer. The media displayed on their front pages:" Our hero is gone", The nation was divided between mourning, hope, but especially incomprehension.Why he would have done that? His personality was complex, and hard to analyze, even Sherlock Holmes himself couldn't solve that mystery. Police are considering 2 hypothesis: the escape, or an abduction and in this case it will be the beginning of a diplomatic crisis for the US, who needs to replace Isaac Edison, as quick as possible. Thompson being his vice-president, he is propelled to the head of the United State, and names Zimmerman as Vice president, and will have the very heavy task of solving "the Edison mystery". 

Investigators are considering 2 hypothesis: escape, and abduction.  The first hypothesis was quickly dismissed, surveillance camera confirmed have confirmed that no one has intruded the hospital that night, remains the hypothesis of the escape, hard to confirm too, because camera doesn't show anybody escaping from the hospital, how could he escape if he was in his room? Witnesses were interview by the investigators, and they emphasized that his attitude had not changed at all,  he was even getting better and better. 

The Thompson administration   government from its earliest days intensifies research throughout the territory, this affair is global and crucial, so crucial that even the UN security council held an exceptional meeting, calling the international community, to initiate research in every country in order to find Edison. All the countries were cooperating mobilizing their secret services, their army, but research isn't progressing, nobody found even a trace of the eccentric Isaac. we glimpsed a glimmer of hope while trying to find its location thanks to its telephone, but this location was no longer available. Government being busy solving this case, the epidemic resurfaces in america, poverty and unemployment return. The people had enough of this crisis and are back in the streets to express their anger. America enters a dark period in its history, where its own president abandons his functions, this disappearance coincides with the return of the societal problems which express the fragility of the American model at that time. "What is the government waiting for?"shouts an activist, " We are the people" cries another one. Newspaper headlines the next day: "Edison or the people ".

What will the Thompson administration choose to focus on: Edison, or  the social crisis?

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